Kai POV (Between Cinder and a Hard Place)

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Okay so I was browsing the net and found a fan fiction (send those links if you are writing) it was labeled like Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and I was like how am I supposed to know what I am reading before I read it? And then it occured to me that you don't know what you are reading before you click so comment down below should I have titles for the chapters Like the Fight (only takes one comment for me to change it so if it irks you let me know ok vote comment and onto the reading

I really am an idiot, I watch Cinder's hips sway as she walks out of the room. Or rather storms out. I have the best woman on all of Luna and Earth and I can't even treat her right. I really am a dimwit, she's right. I know it, she knows it, the rampion crew knows it. We all know it, I was a fool. I mean really, what was I thinking, I heard her tell me no and I did it. Just like she said, I did it despite her words. She made the choice to marry me when I proposed to her, she trusted me and I betrayed her. She hates me and rightfully so, if I hate me I can't even begin to imagine the amount of hatred Cinder has towards me. And she is right to. She is right, right about everything. Right about me announcing the engagement to early. Right about me being a complete jerk. Right about me betraying the woman I love. Right about everything, and me, wrong about everything. Us getting back together and seeing each other was supposed to be a fun romantic reunion, and I screwed it up. Me, it was all my fault. Me alone and no one else. I stand up, I have to fix. No one else can fix it but me. It's a wound that only I have to balm to heal. I find my way to Cinder's room, and she is standing the doorway waiting. She knew I would come, at least she still holds some regards for me, that I am not a completely corrupted person. She lets me into the room shutting the door behind me with force. I look into her eyes and then at her messy room, it's about to get messy with us some things have to be torn down before they can be fixed. In other words, I am going to have to argue myself out of this. And incase you were wondering, no I can't argue with anybody but diplomats, but that is way different. I've seen Cinder argue with Thorne, I don't stand a chance.

"Cinder look I know what I did was wrong but is it really hate me bad," Oops it was not supposed to come out like that. I'm in for it. I am about to get the Rampion's wait in punches.

"Yeah it is Kai, you know I did have the choice to say no. I didn't have to say yes." She yells angrily at me her arms spread up to the side with her hands open.

I look down, I think about that everyday, "You didn't have to say yes." I repeat. It makes me look vulnerable, I am vulnerable. Cinder has already won.

"I trusted you Kai, I trusted you with my life, my entire future. And you trashed one of my very few request." She is angry. Or is she, she looks more in pain than angry.

"Cinder, I didn't mean to hurt-" Somebody knocks on the door and Cinder goes to open it. Torin walks in and for once doesn't seem surprised to see me in a room alone with Cinder. He bows.

"Your Majesties, the press has called for a conference to answer questions about the engagement."

I force myself to keep my eyes on Torin already feeling Cinder's glare on my back. He notices it I know he does, but he ignores it.

"The engagement......." I exhale. Cinder. Is. Going. To. Kill. Me. She hates me for telling people about the engagement and now people want to ask us about it. We are already on shaky ground and Torin just came in and swept it away, we are plummeting,falling, but not in love. He looks at me more intensely, he can sense it, no doubt. Though it's not hard to spot, when Cinder's mad you can spot it from a mile away. She doesn't even try to hide it.

"Are you guys okay." Are we okay? Never been better actually.

Look at us do we look okay? I'm an idiot my advisors and idiot, stupidity will be the death of us all.

I look down at the ground crossing my arms over my chest, "Us? Oh yeah we are perfect." Thank you for asking, dimwit.

Torin looks at me obviously questioning my sanity, he has a wife I am sure he understands. He grins, the audacity, "Okay I will let the press know that the Emperor is enjoying his morning to much to join them." Is that sarcasm I just heard, from Konn Torin? I can't believe it. I even momentarily forget the fact that I am not exactly enjoying my day as Torin suggests.

"No, Torin, put the press conference on the schedule in 5 minutes."

He nods, bows and leaves the room shutting the door softly behind him. I look up at Cinder, she is no longer glaring at me. Her thick brown eyebrows are knit together in pain, the look kills me, "I just wish we would have had more time together, alone." Cinder says clearly in a sensitive tone. She looks me in the eyes, her metal hand finds its way to my cheek and her lips touch mine lightly lingering before she slips her hand down my chest and leaves the room, her room.

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