Winter (The Last Dinner)

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Everyone is leaving me. The only ones who still care about me are the men. Cinder and Scarlet whisper to each other before getting up and walking out. Cress stares at me and then she to exits the room. I am left sitting at the head of the table staring at a bunch of grown men silently challenging each other to take the first swig. The wine bottle remind me of one of the patterns my mom drew into my baby blanket. But the wine tops are bright like Queen Levana's lips. Nobody seems to notice me. Jacin glance at me once or twice but that is all. I feel like an outsider, like I don't belong here. That's how I always seem to feel, like nobody wants the crazy lady around. And I know Cinder loves me but I can tell she thinks I'm crazy. The only person who really doesn't think I am crazy is Jacin. But he is in the process of getting intoxicated.

"You guys are a joke." He chuckles harshly and then take a big gulp of his wine. 

Everyone stares at him for a split second before launch their own bottles into their mouth. It's amazing how different the men act when there are no women around. The go back to there primitive ways. No longer the faithful guard there to protect the princess from the assassin but now the assassin. NO longer a force of good but a force of bad. No longer under their control but rather under the control of a juice. And a bitter juice at that. Kai is the first to go. I guess this is his first time drinking because he is already loosed after his first sip. But the others soon follow. Once they are all drunk they begin to talk about their wives and I toon this part out loosing myself in my thoughts. The unfortunate part about that is that I don't realize Kai has left until I come to. Oh well one man gone three to go.

"So Jacin, you like decorating weddings." Thorne seems to have a bit more incontrol than the other.

"Hey, hey buddy watch it there." Comes Jacin's response, "I guess i like no who am I kidding. I Love it, even more then I love Winter."

He said what not. Oh no I try to  keep my zen and peace but I am going to have to let my inner Selene rain down on him.

Uh oh Jacin, I don't think you are ready for this 'inner Selene' Winter is talking about.

Comment with a simple K for kaider and then B or G for boy or girl and then same thing for Wolflet, W and then B or G. Simple, easy, awesome.



Be Safe

BrandiOrtiz1729 gave me the idea for the drunkness in the first place so let's support her by reading her story

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