Cinder POV (Sergeant Liam)

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I rush out onto the landing pad immediately feeling the warm breeze from the ship. Thorne seems to be having a decent landing at least this time, hopefully take off will be half as smooth. The bottom of the Rampion hits the pavement and t hovers for a second before the engines cut completely. I watch silently as the ramp groans down and Cress jogs toward me. 

"Hey Cinder." Cress breathes. She is pail, and she looks kind of stiff.

"Hey Cress.....are you okay?" I rest a hand on her shoulder, she is freezing. 

"Stars Cress what happened to you?" Kai whispers coming up behind me.

Cress takes a breath, "Something is wrong with the heating unit the ship. It's freezing in there."

My visual interface pick up on a movement on the Rampion ramp. It's a little boy, Liam I am guessing, the boy they adopted. He looks nervous staring at me and Kai. I smile to him and Cress turns around to see him.

"Come on, Liam. Cinder doesn't bite." 

The little boys giggles before his father comes up behind him shaking his head, "Oh know, Cinder most definitely bites, and hard."

Cress shakes her head still smiling, "Oh come on Thorne, leave him alone."

Wow, Cress is really stepping up in life where is the shy coding girl who couldn't say more than a word to anyone without getting flustered? Where is the tiny satellite girl? I like this new Cress, shaping up to be something fierce. And Liam is scared of me, what is he going to do when he meets Wolf. Run to the Republic? You have to put it on a scale of relativity. Who is scarier me, or Wolf? Apparently Thorne thinks me, and I thinks he is dumb idiot. Which just goes to show how stupid he really is. Smart in a stupid way.

Liam approaches me, still looking like I am going to bite him. But if you think about why would I bite him when I could make him bite himself? I wipe that thought instantly out of my head. I don't know anything about the kid.

"Hello, I'm Cinder." I offer him my hand.

He looks at it for a heartbeat before taking it in his hand and shaking my hand firmly, like a solider. "Hello Sergeant Liam Carswell at your service. The pleasure is all mine."

I blink at him for a second before smiling up at Thorne, I can't help it. "What did you do to him?"

Thorne shakes his head grinning proudly at Liam, "All in a days work."

"Who are you?" Liam says pointing a finger at Kai, no longer shy. 

Kai bends down smiling, "I would be the Lady Cinder's husband Kaito, but you can just call me uncle Kai."

Liam scrunches his nose, "The sergeant is very unimpressed by that title."

Kai grins shaking his head, "You can call me Emperor Kaito of the Eastern Commonwealth if that's what you prefer."

Liam's eyes go wide and his finger moves to me. "Your the Empress...Daddy," Liam says turning around to Thorne, "You never told me that your friends were royalty."

I shake my head, "Yeah because a certain someone is jealous."

Thorne glares at me, "Am not."

"Whatever, it's not my fault your dad doesn't want to admit that his friends are way cooler than him." I say redirecting my attention to Liam.

"Come on, let's go inside." Cress says ushering everyone forward.

"So Sergeant Liam, would you like a tour of the palace?" I say casually, like I know the palace like my lunar gift. I don't.

Liam's eyes go wide, "I would love that, see you later daddy. Sergeant Liam has places to be."

Thorne raises a bushy eyebrow. And I smile a toothy grin over my shoulder before disappearing around a corner, Sergeant Liam hot on my tail.

I already like this kid.

Oh Liam 😁😁



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