Wolflet POV (Over protective father)

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Scarlet POV

"Scarlet, what are you doing?" Wolf says his voice tense as he walks in the room.

Me? I am holding my daughter against my chest and walking around the room. Think about what I should get Thorne for a wedding gift if any. "Um, holding Michelle."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Wolf says rushing over to me.

"Umm." I look at Michelle and she looks up at me, "No."

"Well, shouldn't you at least be sitting down? Suppose you were to drop her, at least she would only fall on the couch and not the floor." 

"I am not going to drop our baby, Wolf. Just calm down." I say walking slowly over to the couch, I sit down slowly watching him as I do.

A small smile appears on his face, "Okay maybe I am over reacting a little bit but I don't want to mess up."

"You are not going to mess up anything, Wolf."

He looks at me, "You really think you?"

"I know so." I grin at him.

Something in Wolf's pocket vibrates, he takes his port out of his pockets and accepts the call. "Hello."

"Hello, Wolf. How have you and Scarlet been?" Comes Cress's voice over the port.

Wolf looks up at me as if he  himself is unsure how I have been. "We're good.....so what's up?"

There is silence for a second before Cress responds in a shy voice, "Um, actually. Do you mind if I talk to Scarlet?"

"Oh," Wolf says looking surprised for a second, "No, she's right here."

He hands me the phone and Wolf insists that he take Michelle for 'safety purposes'. "So, what's going Cress?"

"We are running kind of early on the schedule so  was wondering if you guys would be ready to leave late today?"

"Um," I look over  at Wolf holding Michelle, he nods. "Yeah sure we can be ready to leave by late today."

Cress giggles, "Okay great, bye Scarlet."

"Bye Cress." I hang up and toss the port over to the left side of the couch letting out a heavy sigh.

"What happened to you?" Wolf walks over so that he is  right in front of me.

"I am just a bit tired."

"You weren't tired a few minutes ago."

I let out a long yawn, "I just need a second and then I will be ready to start packing."

"Tell you what, you take a nap and I will pack mine and Michelle's stuff. Then I will wake you up and you can pack your stuff and by then the Rampion ship should be here to pick us up. Does that sound good?"

I take in a deep breath, "Okay, alright."

Wolf POV

I set Michelle down in her crib and get to packing for myself first letting myself get lost in thought. Mostly over my family because really what else am I to think about other than my wife, Scarlet and my daughter, Michelle.

I think back to what happened earlier today, with Scarlet walking around the living room with Michelle held tightly against her chest. The way she laughed at me seemingly relaxed about this whole thing. Maybe she is relaxed but I don't think so I think she is just as scared and new to this as me. None of us have experience with this, Scarlet grew up with her grandmother. And I was taken from my house when I was young for Levana's army, I had a brother but it wasn't like that. We are both new to this. And I wish that I wasn't as new as I am, I just want Michelle to have the best childhood that me and Scarlet can possibly give her. And I feel like if I mess up, even the smallest slip up everything will come tumbling down and how unexperienced I am will be all of a sudden evident to everyone. And I don't want that, because if I look bad that will make my whole family look bad. 

I collapse on my bed the pressure this thing called fatherhood coming crashing down on me. So this is what it is like to be a dad, not the joy, not the excitement but the responsibility.



Be Safe

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