Kai POV (meet Cinder)

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I am going to see Cinder, today within the next couple hours at the most. She might even be here now, I get to see my fiance, the love of my life. Cinder. Torin walks in with his usual flawless posture and royal etiquette.

"Your Majesty, Her Majesty's pod has just landed, Queen Selene is waiting to be greeted by you."

I stand up, she's here, Cinder's here, "Cin-The Queen is here." Torin nods to my statement, or was it a question, I don't know. But I do know that I can't wait to hold Cinder, to taste her. Stars I am a romantically starved man.Thorne would laugh, I want to laugh. But I have to go, go see Cinder. I make for the door but am stopped by Torin's arm.

He looks me in the eye and a very serious tone says, "For your own and Her Majesty's good I suggest that you don't make and suggestive contact."

No kissing, no hugging, got it. I nod, sometimes being royalty is great and other times it sucks. Torin follows me to the platform and we stand there as the ramp is lowered. Cinder walks out first and standing closely behind her is an angry looking Iko. Cinder doesn't look to happy either, she locks eyes with me and looks away instantly. Something tells me she and Iko just had the same talk as me and Torin. Cinder walks until she is a polite distance away from me then she bows her head and nods.

"Your Majesty, I am honored by your hospitality." Cinder looks at me blandly. This is rehearsed, no doubt about it. Scripted as her outfit, her dress, this has Iko written all over it. She looks like she is about to fall asleep.

I do everything in my power to keep from grinning and for once I am glad for my years of training to mask my feelings. I nod politely, "Of course, it is my honor to host such an important figure like yourself." 

I look at Cinder's lips, there is the slightest movement upward, a smirk.

Torin clears his throat behind me, to suggestive? I don't think so. But it's whatever the boss wants. Wait I am the boss, what is going on here.

I offer my elbow to Cinder and she takes it respectfully nodding. We enter the palace door and instead of going on the custom tour that is given to important visitors I bring her directly to my room. We walk in and she instantly looses her royal demeanor, Selene slips away there is Cinder. 

She smirks at me, "Important people."

I shrug. And it happens so quickly all of a sudden my hands are around her waist and we are kissing. Her arms, around my neck, in my hair, on my chest, everywhere. She melts into the kiss with moan. It's like we haven't kissed in years, so much wanting but not enough to give. I break the kiss and I find myself once again mad at my respiratory system, why must humans breathe. Why can't humans breathe when they are kissing, or maybe it's a good thing that they have to breathe or else people would kiss for years on end, I know I would be one of those people. That's beside the point, Cinder is here, Cinder is back. She pulls me closer filling a gap I didn't know existed. I kiss her forehead as she snuggles her head in the crook of my neck, not enough contact. Nothing is enough. 

Cinder pulls away and looks at me smiling, "Oh Kai." She starts to giggle like Winter, is this a trick. I look at her, nope still same old crazy Cinder.

"I missed you, you look beautiful." I breathe, is this too much at once? Am I doting to much? Has our relationship weakened? Has she lost feelings for me? One look at her tells me no to all those questions, she's the same old Cinder.

She steps back and holds up the skirt of her dress with her hands and grins at me, "You like."

"Yes, you're in something nice," I chuckle.

"Don't get used to it," She continues to smile, "When I Iko isn't around it's back to srappy comfortablely dress Cinder for me."

Iko walks in glaring at Cinder, this can't be good, " Cinder what are you doing in the Emperor's private quarters you have a press conference to be at."

Cinder looks over at Iko than at me, "It's just Kai, besides I don't want to answer those people stupid questions."

"Cinder just cause you're with Kai doesn't mean that you are no longer the Queen of Luna."

"Well tell them that their Queen is taking the rest of her the day to herself."

Iko throughs a hand up exasperatedly and turns around muttering under her breath.

Cinder's eyes widen and she glares at Iko, " I am not, leave me alone Iko." Iko doesn't acknowledge Cinder as she walks out of the room and slams the door behind her.

Cinder slumps on my bed like it's hers, well in the near future it will be but I doubt she is thinking about that right now. She looks confused like she doesn't know what to feel I am confused too. Were they psychopathically communicating, I've heard luna could mess you up but I didn't know it was that much.

"Um Cinder what were you yelling at Iko for."

She looks up at me confused and then she sighs, "Oh that she called my hopelessly in love."

I squint at her, is she alright, "No she didn't I was here the whole time."

"Yes she did she sent me a comm."

"Oh." Of course that's what happened why didn't that thought cross my mind. "You're not hopelessly in love, if anything it's me."

Cinder looks up at me blank and then grins, "You're right you are hopelessly romantic. Very hopeless."

I chuckle, there is some truth behind what she is saying, I need her. I don't know how much she needs me but I need her. I love her.

OMG that was some much fun for me to write hope you had fun reading it alright you have some homework:

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