Cress POV (Appointments: Apartment Complex)

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Thorne POV (this is something I came up with in my sleep, I think it's pretty nice)

I think my mother has a point, there is something about having ring on your finger and a pregnant woman by your side. It does something to a man, it makes you more aware, more protective and in a way a little bit weaker. Aware in a way that I have never been before, yeah I looked out for myself but when you have someone depending on you it makes you a whole lot more suspicious of random people you would have been fine with on your own. You want to protect those that you love in anyway possible from the harms off this world, because you know how bad they can be and you wouldn't wish that upon anyone not even your worst enemies and especially not the people you love. But this sense also makes you a bit weaker, like when you should probably be looking out for yourself you are looking out for them. And when you should probably being doing something important alone, you are in you bed cuddling with them. But I wouldn't trade it for the world, this new feeling. This feeling of love.

Cress POV

Thorne opens the door for me and we enter the apartment building together. We walk up to the young woman behind the desk. She grins at me, "So how does it feel?"

I stare at her wondering what on earth she is talking about, "What?"

"Well," She blushes, "You're pregnant aren't you, how does it feel?"

"Um," I stutter embarrassed, if this how people are down on earth I want to go back to the Rampion, "It's fine, I guess."

"Hmm," she thinks resting her chin on her hands, "I know that but is there anything hard about it?"

" get tired really fast.....and um your feet hurt all of the time-"

"But is it worth it?"

"Um," I glance back at Thorne, "I guess."

He smirks at me, "What do you mean you guess? You should know."

I turn to the girl, not sure of what to say now.

Thorne takes the lead, "We are here to see Mr. William."

The girl shakes her head looking down into her desk, "Oh yes its seems that I have you all on the schedule for're a bit early....Mr. William is on his lunch break right now." 

I put my arms on the table leaning over, "But he said that 12:30 was fine."

The girl nods turning her computer away from me, "Yes, but as I previously stated you are a bit early."'

I glance at her computer screen, she's on pinterest looking at a young man's board, "Who is that?"

She blushes pulling the computer off of the desk, "It's just my boyfriend."

I meet her eyes and she looks really panicked, I raise my eyebrow, "Nobody knows huh?"

She glares at me, "None of your can wait for Mr. William in his room, his room is down the hall."

I glance back at Thorne, I giggle when I see him. He is trying his hardest to hold in his laughter. I grab his arm and drag him into the hallway into the last room, labeled, 'Mr. William'.

"That girl is weird," Thorne laughs pushing open the door.

The room is filled with light with a big window behind the desk. It looks like how one would imagine an office to look, straight out of the movies. And right in front of the main desk in front of the window is two very nice very cushioned  chair. 

I sit down and let out a content sigh.

Thorne grins at me, "You like these chairs?"

I nod, "These are like compacted couches."

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