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it's been hours, jungkook and taehyung sitting in silence and not even sparing glances at each other as it was getting closer to night time.

the snarls were still there, pounding being heard from downstairs.

taehyung wondered if the rest of this group survived. or were they running for their lives too?

or maybe they're alive. maybe they're sitting at the house, happy he was not their problem anymore.

those thoughts were interrupted when there was an echoed scream.

the scream sounded a few miles away, the two men noticing that the snarls were leaving the building and following the scream.

taehyung stood up and walked to the door.

"don't." jungkook stopped him and stood up.

"someone is hurt. we can save them." taehyung turned around in disbelief.

"it's us against them. we can't save everyone, kim."

"i can and i will." taehyung placed his hand on the doorknob, but stopped when he heard jeon's next words.

"i'll shoot you before you walk out that door. then you'll both be dead. which is it?"

jungkook thought kim was an idiot. who was he? superman?

he couldn't save this person. all of those biters against the two of them, who didn't even know each other? putting a bullet in his skull would make this so much easier.

taehyung removed his hand off the doorknob and walked closer to jungkook, who had his hand on his gun.

"doesn't that hurt you that you could have saved someone, but you didn't? what if it was you out there?"

"well, it isn't. get over it. you can't save anyone. hell, i bet you can barely save yourself."

"you don't know anything about me. i can't believe i'm stuck with a monster like you." taehyung shook his head and walked to the bed, climbing on top and leaning against the wall as he stared off into the semi dark room.

"a monster? i'm a monster for being realistic? grow up." jungkook walked to the window and peeked out of the blinds, seeing a few biters walking around and many eating a man, him likely being the screamer.

looks like they were going to be here a while.


they didn't know how long its been since they heard that blood hurdling scream- a scream that they were all too familiar with.

but, it was night time. crickets were chirping and the distant sounds of snarls still lingered through out the building.

from moving around the room and sighs full of boredom and ounces of fear, they ended up exploring every part of the room.

jungkook was sprawled out on the bed, his arms folded behind his head on a black, delicate pillow with his eyes stuck on the dark ceiling.

taehyung was lying on the floor, his hand resting on his stomach as he tapped his foot against the wooden floor, a soft rhythm going through his head.

he couldn't fall asleep, liked he wished of doing. well, he's barely been able to sleep ever since this world changed.

ever since it broke apart right in front of him.

jungkook wanted his family to be okay. he considered them family. he cared for them and they were like his brothers. it would tear him apart if yoongi, namjoon, hoseok, jin, and jimin were hurt.

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