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"you're seriously okay with this?"

"jimin, just let it go." yoongi rolled his eyes as he buckled the belt to his jeans.

the two were in their shared room, discussing the final decision that jungkook made. jimin felt a wave of anger pass throughout his body, thinking of all the ways taehyung could cross them.

"why is he even coming with us? we could just get the supplies ourselves." jimin watched yoongi pull a black shirt over his head as he sat on their bed.

"because he could be lying, chim."

"okay, then we kill him if we don't find anything, right?" jimin stood up and grabbed his pistol on his dresser, putting it in his waistband.

"look, we don't know what jungkook plans on doing with taehyung after. but, he's bringing us to the supplies then it's done. so, stop complaining about it and be grateful we're finding shit." yoongi checked all of his weapons in haste.

"and what if he's bringing us into a trap? planning to steal all our stuff and run? or even bring a surprise mob filled with grenades and pistols?" jimin crossed his arms and leaned against the closed door.

"jimin." yoongi tiredly sighed and walked closer to him, noticing his worried gaze.

"i just... i don't want anyone else to get hurt because another dick pretended to help us." jimin avoided yoongi's caring stare by looking at his shoes.

yoongi nodded and then cupped his cheeks with both hands, "i know. you have every right to be worried. but, we can't assume this guy is like the others. we know how to protect ourselves and we know how to fight. we'll be fine."

jimin managed to smile at his words. just hearing yoongi's voice soothed him and gave him this feeling of comfort he desperately needed. while he didn't know the reason why, he craved yoongi's love.

yoongi didn't talk much, at least not to the others. but when he did, it was always something good. it was always perfect.

"you're right." jimin finally admitted and uncrossed his arms, letting yoongi move his hands to his hips.

"aren't i always?" yoongi smiled before kissing his lips, jimin holding yoongi's cheeks as their mouths blended together perfectly.

yoongi wondered if it was obvious how much he cared for the male he was kissing. if anyone could see the hearts practically bursting out of his eyes whenever jimin so much as breathed. if anyone could make him soft and warm, it would be this man here.

a sudden knock on the door made the two break apart.

"guys, come on. we're all waiting on your slow asses." they chuckled at hearing hoseok's annoyed tone.

the two walked out, seeing the other boys in the living room.

"what took you two so long?" namjoon asked as he stood up from the sofa.

jimin glanced at kim taehyung, who stood quietly next to jungkook. he looked uneasy, his arms crossed and hazel eyes staring at the floor.

"they probably had a quickie." hoseok answered.

"y'know, it's funny hearing about sex all the time from a guy who never gets it." jimin teased.

"first of all, you're all like my brothers. second of all, none of you attract me. third of all, my body count is-"

"are you all ready?" jungkook ignored the pair's bickering.

"ready to kick some ass? hell yeah." hoseok kicked the air, making some of the group laugh.

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