29 (R+)

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jungkook slowly fluttered his eyes open to the bright sunlight that poured through his windows. he felt the bed for the body that was on him last night, but sure enough, he was gone.

he sighed and sat up, leaning his head against the headboard.

at least it was nice while it lasted.

he got up and walked to his bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste to brush his teeth. the day he would never find toothpaste again in this world would honestly be the day he would kill himself.

he stared at himself through his mirror. his shirt was still off and he had grey sweatpants on. spitting out the last bit of toothpaste out of his mouth, he rinsed his mouth and walked out of his bathroom, not bothering to look for a shirt.

feeling hungry, he opened his bedroom door and walked out, the smell of bread filling his senses.

he walked into the kitchen, surprised to see taehyung standing over the gas stove, a spatula in his hand.

"something smells good."

taehyung jumped at jungkook's voice and turned around, his eyes, of course, trailing down jungkook's body. he gulped and turned back around, placing the spatula down and grabbing two plates.

"i made biscuits with what we have here. it's the only thing i know how to cook."

jungkook nodded and walked closer, leaning sideways onto the stove while taehyung was placing two biscuits on each plate.

jungkook's eyes travelled down to taehyung's exposed collarbone, due to his oversized white tee. he wore nothing but boxer shorts on his legs and it made it very hard for jungkook not to stare.

"do you know when the guys will be back? should we be worried?" taehyung asked, turning to face jungkook and almost jumping at how close he was.

jungkook smirked, "i'm not complaining."

taehyung scoffed and picked up a plate, handing it to jungkook, who took it with glee.

"if this is bad, i'm gonna have to punish you by getting my hopes up." jungkook joked, a hinting gaze in his eyes.

taehyung tilted his head, "and how would you punish me?"

jungkook leaned in to whisper in his ear, "i have a few ideas."

taehyung's face blushed and he moved away from jungkook to hide it, ignoring jungkook's chuckles. he grabbed his plate and hopped onto the kitchen counter, resting his plate on the side of him as he took a few bites of his biscuit.

"woah, this is good! you should cook this every morning." jungkook groaned in delight, leaning against the counter across from taehyung with the plate in his hand.

taehyung smiled, "i'll leave that to jin."

jungkook shrugged, his cheeks resembling a squirrel as he chewed, "he needs a break anyway. he does everything for us."

taehyung suddenly got somber. he stared at jungkook while he ate, finding it adorable how he was chewing his food. he tilted his head and swung his legs as he gripped the edges of the counter, "so do you."

jungkook stopped chewing, gulping down his last bites. he placed the plate down behind him and wiped his hands. he shook his head and crossed his arms, watching taehyung sit on the counter, his golden honey legs on full display.

"no. i don't do anything."

"you keep them safe."

"they keep themselves safe."

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