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he made it.

he's walked this far to finally find a home.

it was an older settlement, with many acres of land and grey fences surrounding the area.

the large home had windows, it looking to be about one story high. he figured the windows could see miles past the trees.

there was one black motorcycle, along with two grey colored toyotas, blood streaks and the peeling of paint  covering them.

lights were surrounding the fences, making sure anyone can see anything in sight.

he gratefully smiled at seeing everything. maybe this was the universe giving him a gift. a gift of peace after surviving this long with the devil.

he held his bag as he stepped closer, but the sound of a gunshot stopped him in his tracks.

taehyung raised his pistol in defense and turned to the right, seeing a man about one inch taller than him.

his brown colored hair was wet, his jaw clenched and his white tee shirt having blood stains like a graphic design.

he wore black sweatpants, his black shoes covered in dust and mud and his muscles peaking through his grey shirt.

"put the gun down or i shoot." his voice was threatening as he pointed a glock right at taehyung's head.

not letting the man get to him, taehyung ignored his command.

"not if i shoot first." taehyung responded.

"you can do that. but then, you'll have to deal with us shooting you after. then, those rotters will have to deal with you. your choice." he turned his attention to a man behind the fence, his height about two inches shorter.

he had long brown hair, it split so the middle of his forehead was shown; worn was a jean jacket topped over a white shirt, bottomed with ripped denim jeans. he had a pistol in his hands, a finger close to pulling the trigger.

on the side of him, was a man about taehyung's height, his brown hair covering his forehead. he had a black shirt bottomed with tan colored pants, an axe hanging off his shoulder.

taehyung looked at the three men and cursed inside of his mind. he didn't want to deal with this tonight.

not tonight out of all nights.

"i try not to kill innocent people. so, i would put down the gun." the man on the right of taehyung softly spoke.

even with a gun aimed at his head, the man seemed nice and composed, which struck taehyung as odd. taehyung couldn't trust anyone. that's what he learned in these past three months.

no one was your friend. no one was an ally. no one would ever help you.

you were all alone, with no one but yourself.

the shorter male behind the fence sighed at taehyung's disobedience, "can't we just shoot him? he doesn't look worth anything anyway."

taehyung glared at the latter, his hands still gripping his pistol that never left its stance pointing at the taller male on the side of him.

noticing his attention was diverted, the brown haired male swiftly ran to taehyung, hitting the gun out of his hands and raising his elbow to taehyung's head.

taehyung groaned at the sudden painful sensation filling his wrist, already too slow to fight back against the upcoming blow.

"sorry, man."

those were the last words taehyung heard, before a force hit his head, everything going dark.

the feeling of something wet made his eyes flicker open, his vision a little blurry.

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