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it seemed as if the universe purposely made sure to have things never go taehyung's way.

baffled, taehyung swallowed. "what... you were sleeping. why are you awake?"

jungkook made no effort to answer his question, but instead walked a bit closer, not super close to taehyung but enough distance for the two to see the hurt in each other's eyes. he glanced at taehyung's bag before turning his orbs back to taehyung.

jungkook persisted, "you're leaving."

taehyung's gaze shifted to jungkook's clenched fists, "go back inside."

jungkook shook his head, "no."

"please just go back inside, jungkook!" taehyung exclaimed.

jungkook's tongue poked his inner cheek, "was this your brilliant plan all along? make me fuck you good then leave? have that beautiful talk only for it to mean nothing?!"

taehyung met jungkook's eyes, it radiating a challenge he knew he had to face, "yes. i used you just for my pleasure. i used you and it felt good."

jungkook scoffed in disbelief, his head shaking, "i don't believe you. not this time."

"what do you want from me?! we don't have some special bond, jungkook. i'm leaving and that's the end of it. this was never supposed to happen." and it hurt taehyung to say, but he had to get jungkook to hear it.

a moment of silence passed as they could only hear their harsh breaths. they heard the faint sounds of a biter in the distance, most likely attracted to the yelling.

jungkook's hands were shaking, but he didn't care. right now, he was confused. he knew taehyung was up to something, but leaving? why the fuck was he leaving? after everything they've been through? why is he just leaving them?

he couldn't wrap his head around it and that angered him. it angered him that he couldn't read taehyung's mind. and it angered him more that he was fighting this hard just to talk to him.

he met taehyung's eyes in a fiery determination, "why?

taehyung sighed, closing his eyes and taking a step back, realizing that jungkook was getting closer, "jungkook."

"no. tell me why."

his tone was so demanding and taehyung wasn't quite sure what to do with that.

taehyung snapped open his eyes, it making a pang hit jungkook in his chest, "because happy endings don't fucking exist, jungkook! not in real life."


taehyung pointed a finger in jungkook's direction, "you can pretend like this world doesn't exist. that it hasn't changed and we can all just be happy. but, i won't do that. i won't get hurt again."

he took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he said, "so i am leaving. and you can't stop me, so don't try to."

and he turned to start walking away again, jungkook feeling conflicted on what to do. he couldn't lose taehyung. he couldn't.

but, what could he do? taehyung wanted to leave and he still barely understood why. he didn't want to lose him and it may have been selfish, but it was the truth.

taehyung was everything to him, he realized. everything. and it would kill him if he walked away from him now.

so, he had to do something. fast. he had to, or else taehyung would disappear out of his life for good.

he tried thinking of what namjoon would do. or yoongi. but, he realized, this was him. his choices and his own life. he had to figure this out himself.

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