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hope was such a powerful word.

people hoped for love. for acceptance. for cures. for freedom.

people hoped for many things.

but, as the sun continues to make its twenty-four-hour rotations, hope is slowly fading away.

what exactly was hope anymore? could it help this world? help any of the people in it? help any of the seven males who occupied this safe hideout?

more weeks have passed inside the house with taehyung doing his best to avoid jungkook. jimin and yoongi tried to forget about what happened weeks ago and move forward. they didn't want to think about love. it was stupid.

namjoon, jin, and hoseok were, of course, watching. they watched the way jimin and yoongi spoke to each other. how they seemed like they were in love.

but, they also watched this new relationship obviously sparking between taehyung and jungkook. hoseok, for one, thought it was so obvious. something was going on; there had to be something going on.

he took more notice in the way jungkook's eyes stayed on taehyung a little longer than necessary. or how taehyung would easily turn red at the sound of jungkook's voice. or how the two would spare glances at each other as if there was a secret joke he didn't know about.

he wanted to scream. these stupid couples were turning him insane.

he walked out of his bedroom to go to the living room, wanting to check on taehyung, whom he's gotten closer to during the passing time. he was glad he offered the idea of taehyung staying. he liked him.

taehyung smiled at his presence, "hey, hobi."

hoseok flopped on the side of taehyung on the couch, watching taehyung write in a journal, "hey, tae. what are you writing?"

as if he forgot the book was visible, taehyung hurriedly moved the book to the left of him and stuffed it under a cushion. hoseok rose his eyebrows in confusion.

"sorry, it's just very personal." taehyung apologized.

"eh, it's okay. i'm used to being out of the loop. speaking of loops, are you and jungkook fucking?"

in what seemed like milliseconds, taehyung started to choke, his face turning bright red. hoseok pat his back in comfort, as if he wasn't the reason the choking fit began.

"what?!" taehyung exclaimed, catching his breath.

"what? did i do something wrong?" hoseok asked.

"are you insane, hoseok?! you can't just say stuff like that!"

"why? are you hiding something?" hoseok leaned in, his glare suspicious.

taehyung rolled his eyes and shoved him back, "the only thing i'm hiding is a kick to your groin."

hoseok pouted, "you wouldn't dare hurt me! you love me."

taehyung tensed, which failed to be noticed by hoseok. taehyung ignored that word he began to dislike so much, "whatever."

taehyung turned his full attention to hoseok on the couch, crossing his legs as he leaned his elbows on his knees, "what were you doing before this world, hobi?"

hoseok's smiled faded, it seemed as if in slow motion.

taehyung's eyes widened. fuck, he kept doing this. he needed to learn how to keep his big mouth shut.

"i'm sorry, i-"

"no, it's fine. it's just... i usually try to forget about the old world." hoseok's head was down.

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