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taehyung woke up to hushed voices communicating with each other. he yawned and sat up on the couch, stretching himself out as he stood up.

he walked over to yoongi, jimin, and hoseok, who were standing in the kitchen and talking.

"good morning, tae." hoseok smiled.

taehyung smiled back, "good morning."

he noticed yoongi whispering in jimin's ear before smiling at taehyung. jimin didn't speak or smile, but continued to stay next to yoongi's side as if he was his safe place.

"sleep good?" yoongi wrapped his arm around jimin's shoulders, who buried his face in his mug as he drank whatever contents that were inside.

taehyung lied, "always."

he didn't want to tell them about his nightmares. he felt childish and weak. who knows, maybe they would make fun of him for it.

"that's good. i was just telling jimin and yoongi about some senior masturbating in the bathrooms in high school." hoseok leaned against a counter, his arms crossing.

taehyung widened his eyes in shock, "in the bathrooms at school? they couldn't have waited until going home, at least?"

hoseok shrugged, "dude, horny people will do anything. trust me, i know."

taehyund decided not to question that further as he watched yoongi and hoseok engage in another discussion about hoseok having a weird high school. he noticed jimin wasn't speaking and when he turned his head to look at him, jimin was watching him, his eyes hard and speculating.

taehyung rolled his eyes and turned away, getting tired of the feud between him and jimin. they were going to be living together. why should they still hate each other?

he walked back to the couch, sitting down and leaning against the couch arm, his knees up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around them.

it's been a few days since jungook's outburst at the dinner table. it's been replaying in his mind ever since. the way jungkook's fists clenched and the way his words clipped. it hurt taehyung and cracked something deep within him.

but, he had to hurt jungkook. they couldn't keep doing this. they couldn't fall for each other.

taehyung didn't want to love him. he truly didn't. he doesn't want someone to be that close to his heart.

but, as every thought of jungkook circled his mind, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe he's already fallen for him.

he hugged his knees closer to his chest and sighed, the conversation of the three males just nothing but background noise.

jungkook has been mostly in his room. the only times he comes out is when he needs something to drink or eat. he barely talks to the other boys and he doesn't talk to taehyung at all, which was understandable.

and taehyung felt awful. he didn't want to create a rift between jungkook and his family. he just wanted more distance between the two of them.

at that moment, namjoon and jin walked into the room, their smiles bright on their faces.

as jin walked to the males in the kitchen, namjoon, surprisingly, walked over to taehyung on the couch, sitting next to him.

"hey, taehyung. how are you?" he sweetly asked, seeming as if to interrogate.

taehyung didn't dislike namjoon, but he was someone he just never got close with in the house. he seemed very sweet and more intelligent than anyone he's met before.

he also admired his relationship with jin. it was beautiful to watch, he had to admit.

"i'm fine. how about you?"

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