25 (R +)

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"are you okay, jimin?"

jimin hmmed at yoongi's question as he leaned against the headboard in thought, his thoughts chasing after each other in a whirlpool.

whenever he saw those biters attack yoongi, it scared him. it scared him so bad that he realized that he didn't know what he would do if something were to happen to yoongi.

this wasn't just lust or liking or wanting. this was something more and jimin could not stop thinking about it.

yoongi sighed and ran his hand through his hair before climbing into the bed to sit next to jimin, his shirt still off from their shower and his hair still damp.

"you can talk to me." yoongi whispered as he looked to the right of him at jimin.

jimin gulped and looked down at his hands, which were fidgeting like crazy.

he didn't know if he should tell his feelings to yoongi. what if he didn't feel the same way? he had to at least care for him, right? they've been together for months.

but, he felt stupid. he didn't want to feel that aching feeling of rejection from him. it would hurt too much.

but, yoongi dead kept on flashing in his mind. his heart sunk and it was the worst feeling he ever felt.

he suddenly thought of jin and namjoon. the beautiful couple that were obviously in love. the way jin kissed namjoon's tears away and the way yoongi did the same for him.

jin and namjoon laughed with each other every day. when they looked at each other, the spark inside of them could light a fire. they loved each other dearly.

jimin widened his eyes and froze. he loved min yoongi. he loved him with everything in him. and he knew he's been loving him for months, but was somehow rejecting that feeling towards him.

he looked at yoongi next to him, seeing his concerned expression.

his heart was thumping against his chest and he realized that he has to tell him. it didn't matter what yoongi said. it just mattered that the universe heard this. that he heard this.

jimin sat up and placed himself in yoongi's lap, placing his hands on the male's cheeks.

"chim?" yoongi asked, confused at jimin's lack of words and movements.

jimin felt the anxiety leave his bones as he began to grow more comfortable in yoongi's warm body. now accepting his love for the male under him, this whole ordeal seemed easier. he wasn't scared anymore.

"i love you."

yoongi's eyes widened. what did jimin just say?

"i love you," jimin said again, still meeting yoongi's eyes. tears were welling in his eyes and his lips trembled, "and it took me a while, i guess to say it. i just realized it, but i think i've always loved you."

yoongi's eyes started to gloss at the words, feeling his lips trying to form words but nothing would come out of his mouth.

"but, what i know for sure is, i love you. so much. i love the way you care for me." he stroked yoongi's cheek.

"i love your gummy smile. i love your laugh." jimin smiled and wiped the tears that were falling from yoongi's eyes with his small thumb.

"i love your eyes, your face, your everything. i love the person that you were and the person who you became to be. i love spending time with you. i love sleeping with you. i love waking up next to you."

"i love everything about you and i always did. and you know what else?"

yoongi was silent, his heart warm and his thoughts a roller coaster.

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