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"it's okay."

jungkook almost didn't hear taehyung, due to how soft and quiet his voice was. he turned to look at taehyung slowly, seeing the latter's head bent down. he wasn't looking at him.

"what?" jungkook whispered.

"it's okay. i know what you have to do." taehyung slowly lifted his head and made eye contact with jungkook for the first time since they were tied up.

the pair gazed into each other's eyes. taehyung's eyes were broken, a searing pain glistening in them that jungkook wanted to fix. he wanted to fix taehyung's pain.

but, how could he do that?

how could he fix taehyung's pain and his family's pain at the same time?

jungkook didn't know what to say, so he said his name, "taehyung-"

"please. i can't live with myself knowing he hurts you guys. jungkook..." taehyung broke off, his voice breaking. "it's okay."

jungkook watched taehyung break eye contact before tearing his own eyes away to look at hoseok and namjoon.

they weren't moving, but instead, glaring daggers in the head of seojoon. he understood. he understood that anger.

"tick tock." seojoon giggled, walking around in circles with his hands tied behind his back.

"i am going to kill you." jungkook spat, his tone laced with venom.

"oh, please. you're nothing. you will always be nothing. of course, you probably felt all high and mighty since you had this bitch to accompany you." seojoon pointed at taehyung with a knife, his expression showing jealousy.

"but whatever. you know what they say. one man's trash is another man's treasure." seojoon twirled the knife skillfully in his hand before smirking.

"ten seconds left, jungkook." seojoon finalized, grinning his evil smile.


there had to be a way out of this. something, anything that he could use to kill this man. he tried untying the ropes around his wrists, but it was no use.


jungkook hurriedly tried to break his wrists free from the rope, desperate. no, he wouldn't do this. he wouldn't choose. not like this.

tears welled in his eyes at the thought of this man killing hoseok and namjoon. everything he did to protect them....

it was all out of the window.

"no decision? fine with me. you all die." seojoon walked over to hoseok and namjoon, pulling hoseok's hair.

"no!" jungkook and taehyung screamed in unison.

seojoon rose his knife, but they never got to see what he was going to do, as something hit the man's chest.

a bullet.

the men turned to look behind them, seeing jimin, yoongi, and jin with a gun.

"oh my god." jungkook gave out a sigh in relief.

seojoon dropped his knife as he fell to the ground, his hand clutching at his chest, so close to his heart.

one of his goons turned to the three men, running towards them. yoongi skillfully threw his knife into the man's chest, watching him stop and drop, falling right where his master was.

the last goon looked in horror at the scene in front of him. slowly, he gulped as he stared at the three, their stances dangerous.

"if you're not out of here in three seconds, you're dead." jin cocked his gun.

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