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"found some more guns and ammo. should be good for a while." min yoongi walked through the fence that jungkook unlocked, a bag hanging from his hand.

his black hair fell down his forehead, matched with his solid black shirt and black jeans. there was a blank expression on his face, but that was the usual with someone like min yoongi. he was always calm and collected, something jungkook heavily admired.

jungkook was worried about yoongi going out to scavenge by himself, but he insisted, even though it was normally required to bring someone with you all times. said something about needing to clear his head. besides whatever was going on, jungkook was glad he was back without a scratch. he wouldn't be able to fall asleep until all of the members were safe and sound in the house.

"no food or water?" jungkook questioned as the two walked closer the house.

"not in the area."

as the two walked reached  the entrance of the home, jungkook stopped yoongi with a hand to his chest.

he swallowed, "someone is here. i want you to watch him tonight. he could be a threat, or could just be some stranger. i'm gonna go around the house a few times to make sure no one followed him."

yoongi scoffed jokingly, "i gotta babysit, now?"

"just for the night. i'll think of something final in the morning."

yoongi ran his hands through his hair and sighed, "alright. where's jimin?"

"his room. he's not agreeing with keeping the man here, so tell him to calm the hell down." jungkook answered before walking off to his room, the handcuffed male in his mind.

jungkook didn't want to admit it, as this man could be dangerous, but the man was beautiful. oddly, the most beautiful person he's ever laid eyes on. everything about him was beautiful- from the way his glare brightened his hazel eyes; the way his long eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks; and the way his lips were perfectly pink and plump.

the man was perfect.

but, beautiful things were dangerous. you couldn't trust anyone nowadays.

he should have killed him just to protect the identity of his family. should have eliminated him already and took his stuff, maybe give his body to the rotters.

he didn't know why he didn't, but maybe kim could be of some use.

"tell us one reason why we shouldn't kill you right now."

morning came by, the sunlight peaking through the window, waking taehyung up. he woke up almost forgetting where he was, but was quickly reminded after he found himself refrained from rubbing his eyes.

his back and neck ached, and now would probably be sore for a few hours. did that asshole seriously have to make him sleep on the floor? he couldn't have at least pulled a chair.

over the night, he was able to think. think about how different he seemed to be versus jeon. how if they were to encounter each other on the street, taehyung would offer him help, but jeon would most likely kill him on sight.

and that thought made him want to understand why. humans were supposed to stick together now, not fight each other. well, taehyung didn't need anyone, but he wasn't going around threatening people.

he looked at jungkook with soft eyes. the male stood with arms crossed and an intense gaze set on him. his members were surrounding the room, seeming like they were protecting each other.

taehyung wanted to know why jungkook was the way that he was. why they were all like this.

taehyung understood that this was the new world. but, that didn't mean they had to change into animals.

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