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jungkook laid on his bed as he closed the door. he couldn't listen to jin's past again. it brought back too many memories.

kim taehyung was a nosy little pain in his ass.

he groaned as he realized taehyung would probably want to know more about his past as well.

he didn't want to tell him that. taehyung could use it against him someday. use his words against him and distract him, then kill him in cold blood.

"snap out of it, jungkook." he told himself, reassuring that he was being ridiculous.

he sighed and put his hands behind his head, not wanting to think about what he has gone through.

before five minutes even passed, his eyes closed, soft snores filling the room.


"i-it's me!" taehyung struggled to breathe as jungkook's strong hand gripped his throat against the wall.

just one minute ago, taehyung walked quietly into jungkook's room, as he saw he was sleeping. he was going to scream jungkook's name, but he decided it would be best to tap him.

just as he shook jungkook's shoulder, jungkook's eyes flew open, grabbing his wrist with one hand and strangling taehyung with the other.

"j-jungkook!" taehyung desperately slapped his arm, feeling lightheaded.

jungkook was in some sort of trance, it seemed. as if he was still dreaming.

suddenly, he blinked and widened his eyes. jungkook immediately removed his grip off of taehyung's neck.

taehyung gasped for air, bending over as he coughed and gasped. it all happened so quick and the fact that he was lightheaded didn't make it any better.

"oh my god." taehyung tried to control his breathing as he put his hand over his heart.

"i'm..." jungkook couldn't think straight. his past was suffocating him, bringing back those awful memories.

he felt like he wasn't really there, like taehyung wasn't really here. he was in survival mode.

"you a-almost killed me!" taehyung stood up straight, rubbing his neck as he stepped back from jungkook, frightened.

jungkook didn't want to seem like a fellow friend or "nice." the words "i'm sorry" were just so hard to say.

"don't sneak up on me. jesus, what were you doing?" jungkook ignored the sweat forming on his forehead as he stared at taehyung, whose eyes looked like they had seen a ghost.

"i-i..." taehyung tried to think.

he wanted to scream and call jungkook a stupid, strong asshole. but, no one without some sort of trauma does that. he wanted to know why, even if he felt the burning red on his neck.

he cleared his throat, "jin's freaking out. hoseok and namjoon haven't returned."

everything went black in jungkook's mind, except for the words taehyung just said. jungkook rushed to the window on the right side of the room, opening the dusty curtains to see that it was pure dark outside.

"fuck." jungkook cursed, pushing past taehyung to run to the living room.

jungkook ran in the living room to see jin crying as he stared at the ground.

"jin? jin, listen to me." jungkook put his hands on jin's shoulders, as jin sat on the sofa with tear-stained cheeks.

taehyung followed jungkook into the living room, his anxiety creeping in.

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