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blood filled the streets and the screams of terror rang throughout their ears.

the gates were torn down and the biters continued to pour in, reaching for whatever flesh they could get.

"we have to go!" jungkook commanded before hurriedly grabbing his clothes and putting them on his body.

taehyung cleaned himself up and did the same, grabbing nearby weapons.

as jungkook ran out of the bedroom with taehyung following, they ran into yoongi and jimin, who were almost halfway done with putting their shirts on as they stumbled out into the hallway.

"there's hundreds of them out there." jimin gulped as he finished putting his shirt on and grabbed his pistol.

"we have to leave." yoongi added.

"no, we have to help them." taehyung argued, his legs still feeling wobbly.

great. he had to fight when he just got fucked senseless, not even five minutes ago.

"we'll die if we try to help them." jimin replied, his voice wavering at the thought.

as he thought of jimin's words, flashes of dead bodies began to fill his mind. innocent bodies. he couldn't just let them die like this, when they couldn't even fight back. he had to do something.

"then we'll die helping them." taehyung concluded before he ran out of the house, ignoring the yells of his name as he ran down the steps of the house.

"fuck!" jungkook angrily ran his hands through his hair before following taehyung, yoongi and jimin right behind him.

taehyung crossed two biters reaching for him. he jumped back and kicked one of the biters in the gut, digging his knife into the skull of the non kicked one, ignoring the wait for its body to hit the ground. he then turned to the other one and kicked his knees, sending it to the ground. he ignored the growls as he stabbed the knife into the biter's skull, the crunch ending the sounds from the now dead biter.

he ran to the sounds of screams, ignoring jungkook's cries for him.

he couldn't turn back now. he had to help them.

every life is worth something.

as the boys ran after taehyung, they tried to ignore the screams for help and the human bodies hitting the ground. so many people were in here, thinking they were protected.

only to have their whole word come crashing down.

months ago, they would have cried. they would have cried at this sight, at seeing something so traumatic and terrible. something so awful.

but now? now, they were different. they didn't cry. whatever lay inside a person, forming sobs and tears, it was switched off.

taehyung halted his runs when he saw sana laying on the ground, surrounded by blood.

he ran to her and gasped in terror as a bite was on her neck, her flesh sticking out of her neck.

and yet, she was still. she wasn't screaming. she was still and laying on the ground, as if accepting her fate.

she looked lifeless, but her eyes were blinking. almost as if she was just waiting for her life to end.

"sana!" taehyung yelled out and went to her.

he dropped to her side and picked her body up, helping her lean against him.

"l-let me die, kim." she choked out, blood rushing out of her mouth.

"what happened here?" taehyung didn't have to ask to know bogum and joy were dead.

"everyone is dead. they k-killed joy and i-i... i gave up." her lips trembled.

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