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jungkook didn't know why he got a kick out of teasing taehyung. it was just so fun to see the latter get all nervous with pink cheeks and a sassy remark.

as he lied on his bed with his eyes fixated on the ceiling, the scenes of last night would not stop replaying in his head.

kim taehyung's sinful moans. his honey tan skin. his whimpers. his voice. his body. the hickeys he made on his neck and chest.

no matter how many times jungkook shook his head, these images of kim taehyung would not leave. he wished he wasn't drunk. he wanted to live in the moment longer.

he didn't know why the boy was stuck in his mind. what was so special about kim taehyung compared to his past hookups or exes? why was he not thinking about them, but about kim taehyung?

he groaned and shut his eyes, taking deep breaths to distract himself from the way taehyung took his cock so well.

but of all, it was the way taehyung was just so.... him. he was so different from everyone else that it made jungkook want him all the more.

so busy thinking about taehyung, he completely forgot the way he acted last night towards his family. he didn't mean to snap on any of them, especially jimin about taemin.

he just felt so... useless. useless and a failure.

he was so close to losing hoseok and namjoon. he couldn't do anything about that. if jin, jimin, and yoongi hadn't shown up....

jungkook thought he had resolved his internal struggles about taemin. he thought he had gotten over his death and convinced himself that it wasn't his fault.

but, apparently, that wasn't the case. it was his fault and that's all he could think about.

he would apologize to jimin later. now, he was ready for lunch.

he lifted himself off his bed and made his way out of his room. as he walked down the hallway, he already noticed kim taehyung walking to the kitchen.


jungkook rolled his eyes and continued to the kitchen, ignoring taehyung's eye roll towards him when he got near.

"if you've come to make fun of me some more, i will stab you in the heart." taehyung threatened as he pulled out a can of pineapples and placed it on a counter.

"please," jungkook laughed. "i'd like to see you try."

taehyung grabbed the knife in his belt and flashed it towards the man, "gladly."

jungkook glared and before taehyung could blink, he was pinned against the counter by jungkook. his knife dropped to the floor, but he didn't worry about the knife because all he could think about was how close jungkook was to him.

if it was anyone else, taehyung would beat them. he would not get distracted and he would counter them. but somehow, jungkook made everything difficult.

taehyung's breath was knocked out of him as he leaned against the counter in comfort, gripping the edges. jungkook had him completely caged like a predator hunting his prey. his arms were on either side of taehyung's body as he smirked at the shocked expression on taehyung's face.

he leaned closer to taehyung's face, not daring to break eye contact with the boy.

"y'know... i like you better when you're moaning my name." jungkook scanned taehyung's face.

taehyung gulped as his eyes travelled between jungkook's lips and his eyes. he could see everything. jungkook's almond chocolate eyes. his scar on his cheek. his eyebrow piercing. his pretty eyelashes.

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