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namjoon and jin rushed to the left of the building, jin following joon as he knew where the exits were.

they didn't think splitting up was the best idea. hell, this could be the worst idea yet.

but, they trusted jungkook.

jungkook led yoongi, hoseok, jimin, and taehyung to the other exit, pushing past biters and letting their bullets fly through the air.

namjoon and jin finally made it outside, their mouths panting for air as they looked back to see a large number of biters coming for them.

"we'll see them again. we have to follow the plan. let's go!" joon promised and held jin's hand as the two ran to their car, quickly closing the doors after them.

they wanted to go back and help their friends badly, but jungkook has already made the plan.

and one wrong move could send any one of them to their death.

hesitant, namjoon started the engine and stepped on the gas, leading some of the biters away from the old and destroyed building.

they didn't look back. they couldn't.

but, they had some hope. hope this will past like the other times.

and they would be laughing in their house again.

don't look back.


"protect yourselves! stick together and fight!" jungkook gave a farewell to jimin, yoongi, and hoseok, who made it to their car.

"stay safe," hoseok made a second glance towards jungkook and taehyung running. "the both of you!"

"step on it, yoongs!" jimin yelled as more biters were headed their way, the herd splitting it.

there were about 200 of them, the stench in the air reeking and more biters getting alerted from the sound of engines rumbling and growling.

yoongi pushed on the gas pedal, his heart racing as he saw jungkook and taehyung getting on the motorcycle.

"this isn't good, is it?" jimin caught his breath in the passenger seat.

"none of this was ever good." hoseok looked back.

"and he's with kim... oh god." jimin nervously stated.

"don't. just don't look back. don't look back." yoongi calmly stated, although the anxiety rumbling through his stomach was the exact opposite of calm.


sweat dripped down the boys' foreheads as they rode on the motorcycle, them both having regrets and doubts about this plan.

taehyung didn't want to be here. he didn't want to do this. especially not with this man.

"i need to lead the herd away!" jungkook kept himself under control and yelled, turning down the street as snarls and growls felt further and further away the more they drove.

they both hated this.

one wanted to be alone, away from all of this and be able to provide and care for himself.

one didn't care about himself. he wanted his friends to be safe. he can't lose them. he can't.

they were the only ones he had left.

jungkook noticed a small community college, seeing there wasn't anyone around and a few parked and abandoned vehicles.

"how far are they?" jungkook yelled at taehyung.

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