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(three months after day one)

"i got it," taehyung clutched his keen knife, walking towards the solo biter.

he could hear its bones cracking as it limped closer and closer to taehyung, its hands sprawled out in front, hungry for the man's flesh.

as he walked closer, he observed the older looking biter. its skin was covered in blood- well, the skin that hadn't yet dragged down from the decay.

the biter had straggly hair and maniacal eyes that burned with hunger and madness. its teeth looked as if it tried chomping on a line of tombstones, breath smelling of vomit as if it were an alcoholic who just feasted on expired eggs and vodka for dinner.

it growled and hissed, a few inches away from the man, desperately wanting to get its flesh filled teeth onto taehyung.

disgusted, he placed his arm on the biter's chest, it protesting and struggling to get past the honey, tan skinned arm.

taehyung skillfully rose his knife and drove it deep into the biter's skull, the sound of flesh tearing and blood dripping sounding somewhat normal and refreshing to him.

the biter stopped moving, its limbs and head dropping its weight onto taehyung, who pushed the biter back and sighed, looking past the roads and trees.

he didn't know what day it was, what time it was, or who he was anymore.

his wavy black hair fell down his forehead, bringing out his sparkling hazel eyes that glistened in the sun. this was the longest his hair has ever been, him usually cutting it at the end of every month. his hair now looked as if he belonged in a boy band, it long and warming to his nape.

his face was sharp and lost of its baby fat now that he was no longer eating three meals a day, his skin having a natural tan glow, along with a silver hoop necklace that he's had since before the outbreak.

fortunately, he didn't feel that sudden paralysis of fear or the thumping of his heart when he saw a few biters. he was used to it by now.

but, a herd? oh, a herd was something different.

he was lucky to have never faced one.

it made him laugh. twenty one years of blissful living, only to have to end up dealing with chilling creatures and people he would never dream of befriending in the past.

he looked back to his group, only five of them, their faces exhibiting expressions that yearned for rest.

"there should be a house up north, about five miles from here. we should stop and rest." taehyung looked to the "leader" of their group, someone he had to pretend to admire.

"no, we're not stopping," the man ignored and walked past taehyung, his ak forty seven hanging behind his back on a strap that relied on his shoulder.

"kai, we've been walking for hours. it's probably going to get dark soon and-"

"we are not stopping." kai snapped, stopping to glare at taehyung while the pair's faces were now inches away from each other.

"tell me exactly where we're even going." taehyung's knife was resting next to his thigh, gripped in his hand.

he was holding himself back from bringing the weapon up to stab the dictator in front of him. taehyung thought of that a lot- hurting kai for good so that he could finally shut the fuck up.

"we're looking for guns," kai nonchalantly answered, continuing to walk.

taehyung scoffed and followed, "so we're walking and having trouble staying awake, just for guns? we have enough. what we should be looking for is shelter."

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