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the sun was going down, its bright rays slowly fading away by each second. the sight would have been beautiful in the old world. fortunately, it was still beautiful in the new world also.

"turn the lamps on." jin told yoongi, who obeyed and walked around the house to turn on the lights.

the group has been getting along well. laughter and smiles broke out the whole day, the boys not even realizing it was getting close to night time.

jimin has been in his room all day, not once coming out to talk to the group.

yoongi always went to check on him every fifteen minutes, just to make sure he was okay. after all, he was the only one jimin would listen to.

taehyung noticed that the two really seemed to care for each other. he wondered what yoongi saw in jimin, besides his annoyingly good looks.

"wouldn't turning on the lamps bring biters or attention?" taehyung asked.

"nah. we have screens on the outside to block it out." namjoon assured.

"since we don't have to get supplies, thanks to you, we can actually... relax a little." hoseok shrugged, the word-relaxed- not used to being in his vocabulary.

"so without the supplies, you guys basically hunted every day?" taehyung questioned.

taehyung could make observations and tell that this group has been through pain. just the way their faces tensed at the word "relax" and the way they barely had any supplies gave him that idea.

maybe they did really need him? but, no one has ever exactly needed him before. or made him feel as if he was important to the family.

"basically." jin relaxed against namjoon's shoulder.

"is that all you do? sit here, laugh a bit, eat, and sleep?"

"that's all you can do anymore. laughing is a gift these days." yoongi sadly smiled, feeling a mood of nostalgia.

taehyung thought about his statements and sat in silence. that's all you really can do in this world. survive, eat, sleep, repeat. every day. you were lucky to be alive or to even let out a chuckle.

"how about we go to the river tomorrow night? we have to be quiet though. biters and people love the night." hoseok suggested.

at that moment, jungkook walked out, the creaking sound of the door causing everyone in the living room to look back.

"good morning, morning bird." namjoon joked.

jungkook was "asleep" all day. or just in his room, as they never went in ever since he started to lock it.

"shut up." he replied and walked to the kitchen area, grabbing a bottle of water to moisten his throat.

"kook, hoseok thought we should go to the river tomorrow night. what do you think?" namjoon looked at the man gulping down sips of water.

taehyung's eyes travelled down to his adam's apple, quickly looking away when he noticed he was staring.

he took his mouth off the water bottle, "it'll be dangerous. we haven't been there since that big ass herd."

he was referring to a herd weeks ago that would have been fatal if they didn't have their vehicles. it seemed as if the herd came out of nowhere, their snarls sending shivers down their spines.

"well, we weren't quiet. we'll be careful this time. i think we all need a break to just breathe and look at something pretty, you know?" jin shrugged.

jungkook moved his glance to taehyung, who sat with his legs laid out on the couch.

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