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"you don't have to be so humble, y'know?" kim seokjin's best friend, ken, joked.

"i don't know what you're talking about."

"dude, you're the smartest junior i know. you know so much about medical shit that you might as well be certified. but, you don't know a lot, right?" ken mocked his words.

the two currently attended a life awaiting, dream medical school, it being the best out of the city of seoul.

jin has wanted to go to this university every since eighth grade, his mother wanting him to go since birth.

but, seeing his mother be such a strong and intelligent surgeon made him insecure. she was perfect, in his eyes, never seeming to make any mistakes.

that's why he didn't like telling anyone how easy his classes were. or how he knew so much. or why he loved working in the medical field so much.

he was afraid to mess up. afraid to disappoint his friends and most of all, his mother.

so, he would keep his thoughts to himself.

"you're being dramatic, ken." jin shoved him as the two walked down the hallways, on their way to their dorms.

"but seriously, you have so much potential. i already see your name on a big sign on the highway or something." ken stopped the two from walking any further.

he placed his hand on jin's shoulder, "you are going to save so many people. you will because that's the kind of person you are. you're gonna help the world, jin. i know you will."

even though those simple words touched his heart, he brushed it off with a chuckle.

"shut up. come on, i'm tired and hungry. let's-"

cutting his words, a blood hurdling cry made everyone's head snap.

the sight was traumatizing.

a woman everyone knew, a well respected professor, was screaming on the ground, a kind of creature no one knew about eating at her throat.

"what the hell?!" ken dropped his books, his lips trembling at the pool of blood forming around her body.

jin was too much in shock to move, to speak, to do anything.

no one recognized the creature, it having an open blood wound on its neck. its eyes were a light yellow, blood pouring down the creature's mouth.

"we have to help her!" a boy yelled, running towards the now non vocal professor.

"look!" jin's eyes widened at the sounds of groaning, more and more coming around the corner.

"ken... what are they?" jin slowly backed up as he watched the creatures snap their heads toward them.

"i-i don't know, but run!" ken grabbed jin's hand, students following behind.

screams and footsteps were heard trampling behind them, blood catching up to their feet.

"what do we do?!" ken gasped for air as he ran.

"our parents! we have to make sure they're okay!" jin glanced behind him, seeing some students fall, getting torn apart by those vicious things.

"your house is closer! come on!" jin pointed at the doors of the school, some of the students making it out, others falling behind.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now