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taehyung sat on the couch and investigated the ring he found the first time he walked close to this house. the J on the ring stood out to him.

was it jungkook's? jimin's? jin's?

he hid it ever since that day. just like he hid the silver loop necklace around his neck.

he wondered what he would be doing if he was still with kai. that abuse lingered in his mind.

but, it would be run out by thoughts of jungkook touching him. fucking him. kissing him. talking to him.

why was the want for jungkook so bad?

he needed to stop. he couldn't let this go far. he couldn't care about someone, not in this world.

but, he couldn't stay away from him. he desperately wished that night never happened.

he stood up and held the ring tightly in his hand, making the decision to walk to jungkook's room.

he inhaled and knocked firm knocks on his door. seconds later, the door swung open, revealing jungkook shirtless, his tattoos on full display.

taehyung's eyes lingered down his body. his strong abs and muscles. his nipples. his tattoos that trailed down his right arm.

this was so hard.

jungkook's shocked expression soon turned into a confident one, "i knew it."

taehyung rolled his eyes and shoved jungkook aside, "shut up."

as he walked more into the room, he stood in front of jungkook's bed and waited for jungkook's full attention. after closing the door, jungkook crossed his arms and stood in front of taehyung, wondering why he was in his room.

memories and visions flooded the boys' minds. this was where they had sex. just on this bed and that headboard. right there against that bedside table was where they kissed.

"to what do i owe the pleasure for kim taehyung to barge into my room?" jungkook teased, his arms still crossed.

taehyung opened his palm to reveal the ring. he held it right infront of jungkook's eyes, taking note of the recognition on jungkook's face.


"i found it when i was walking here. is it yours?"

jungkook stared at the ring he lost a few weeks ago. he couldn't believe he was just staring at it in taehyung's hands.

that ring was special to him. his mom gave it to him as a gift before this world turned to shit.


"but, eomma, what is it for?" jungkook slipped the gold ring on his finger as he stared at his mother in confusion.

she looked at him fondly and ruffled his hair, "when you find someone that makes you happy, just like you make me happy to be your mother, give this to them."

end of flashback....

jungkook swallowed at the memory of his mother, "yes."

taehyung offered the ring to him, his eyes showing a hesitation and strong reluctance.

"here. i've been holding on to it and i kind of forgot about it."

jungkook softly grabbed the ring, the touch of his skin against taehyung's sending a shock throughout both of their bodies.

taehyung watched jungkook touch the ring as if it was a special piece of his soul. as if it meant everything to him.

his eyes wondered. to jungkook's shirtless upperbody to his careful hands examining the gold ring. he looked at the tattoo and decided to ask the boy about it.

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