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"so, let me get this straight. you're all going look for stuff, just the five of you, and we aren't allowed to come?" jungkook stared at the five males that stood in the kitchen.

after everyone separating and going back to their daily activities, the boys all came back out to call jungkook and taehyung to tell them that they were leaving.

after realizing that they were going to have to be alone with each other, taehyung and jungkook quickly offered to go, only to be cut off from the boys about how this is a mission just for them and some other stupid excuses that didn't make sense to them.

"yeah, sorry kook. you and taehyung just seem tired-"

"i'm perfectly awake." taehyung interrupted with a frown.

"and you both could use some rest and koombaya!" hoseok added, choosing to ignore taehyung's last statement.

taehyung and jungkook gave a look to each other that expressed their confusion before turning back to the group.

"i am really confused." taehyung muttered as he crossed his arms and stood by the kitchen counter.

jin shrugged, feigning ignorance. "i don't know why."

"why can't kim stay and i go?" jungkook tried to reason as he leaned against another counter, decidedly away from taehyung.

taehyung felt his heart ache at hearing jungkook use his surname like a stranger.

"because we're your hyungs and you should listen to us." yoongi deadpanned.

"jesus, this is so stupid." jungkook mumbled.

hoseok smiled enthusiastically, "just chill out here! we'll be back home before you know it."

"we should start leaving, actually. it looks like it's getting close to the evening." namjoon started walking to the front door, his voice carrying.

"yeah, we should go." jin followed.

"bye, guys! be safe." hoseok waved and walked out of the door.

the rest of the boys bid their goodbyes and walked out of the front door, leaving taehyung and jungkook standing in the kitchen with perplexed faces.

taehyung sighed, "why do i feel like they're up to something?"

jungkook stared at the front door with gears spinning in his mind, "they usually always are."

the two entered an uncomfortable silence before jungkook ran his hands through his hair, "fucking great."

before taehyung could think, jungkook walked to his room and closed the door, taehyung closing his eyes at hearing the lock.

he was now completely alone.

with his thoughts and with jungkook.


jungkook laid on his bed, his song book laying to the right of him and his fingers drumming against his chest as he stared at the ceiling.

he knew his hyungs were up to something as soon as they couldn't come up with a valid excuse for leaving taehyung and him at home while they went roam the streets.

he will definitely have a nice little chat with them once they return.

but what makes it worse is that he didn't want to talk to taehyung, but he knew chances are, he probably would.

"fuck, why didn't i just let him leave?" jungkook groaned out and shut his eyes tightly, reminiscing about taehyung offering to leave the first time he helped them.

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