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jimin's laughs echoed throughout the house as he rode on taemin's back. he was so close to falling as taemin ran past everyone and everything.

"jimin, you'll fall!" he heard yoongi yell as they passed through the hallway.

jimin giggled, "i'm fine hyung!"

"slow down taemin! you're gonna break everything!"  jimin slapped his head as his arms wrapped around taemin's neck.

"who cares?" taemin laughed.

it's been like this almost every day the past month. the group participated in as much activities as they could, distracting themselves from the terror of biters outside.

jimin's depression always snuck in on him. that sudden black pit of sadness that overwhelmed him to the point of just wanting to leave everyone.

but, his friends helped that. they always did.

especially yoongi and taemin. of course, he wouldn't admit it, but he liked yoongi. he was sure the latter didn't like him back, but that didn't stop his obvious crush on him.

he loved the way yoongi smiled. he loved how yoongi protected him and made him laugh. it just felt like home with him. it felt like the "l word."

and, his best friend taemin. after yoongi, taemin was the closest to jimin. he was like the best friend he never had.

taemin wouldn't dare to see a frown on jimin's face. he was such a clown that jimin couldn't stop smiling around him. he was thankful for taemin.

the group of six found taemin when they were looking for more medical supplies. jin was the best doctor, so they had to make sure he had all the supplies he needed.

taemin had a knife stuck in his leg, his cries alerting the group. wherever there was a human that needed help, they were there.

jin, of course, used his medical expertise to help the crying man. the group fought off the biters that were so close to taemin. to this day, he has been a member of the group, along with his lengthy scar on his left leg.

the group consisted of jungkook, jin, namjoon, yoongi, himself, hoseok, and taemin.

they were a family.

"wait! i'm gonna barf." taemin suddenly stopped, letting jimin get down.

he held his stomach and covered his mouth as jimin watched with laughter escaping his mouth.

"told you to slow down." he shrugged.

"oh whatever." taemin rolled his eyes as he followed jimin back to the living room.

"it's always you two." namjoon rolled his eyes as the partner and crime pair came into view.

"blame taemin." jimin almost sat next to yoongi, but stopped when a knocking on the door alerted the group.

as jimin started walking to the door, jungkook stopped him.

"all of you stay here. i'll get it." jungkook walked past jimin to the door.

"he's always acting like some sort of leader." jimin playfully rolled his eyes.

with caution, jungkook opened the door to see three men standing, one with a wounded arm.

"hi, i'm sorry, we found this as we-"

"how'd you get through the fence?" jungkook questioned.

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