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"i think it's time, joon." jin placed his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder as they debated on what time they should go and look for the others.

"okay." he walked, with jin following behind, to the car parked outside the gas station they were hiding out in.

almost all the stores and buildings were overrun with biters. blood and bullets were along the roads they escaped on, with broken glass and doors. they were lucky enough to not get a flat tire from all the debris.

the two slept in the station over night, making sure to keep quiet as any noise could bring biters- which were everywhere. their necks and backs were sore, but they had each other so they could push past the aching muscles.

namjoon and jin have always felt this string between them, a string that basically glued them to each other. at first sight, they instantly knew. they knew that they found "the one."

after the two calmed down in the gas station, namjoon predicted that another group went the same way they did, maybe even following them. he felt uneasy in a way. but, jin persisted that he was crazy.

of course he was just anxious. after splitting up with his family, it would make anyone anxious.

"i'll drive. you keep a look out. you've always had better eyesight than me." jin joked as he took the keys from namjoon.

namjoon chuckled and sat in the passenger seat, putting on his seat belt and closing the door.

jin did the same, breathing a deep sigh and starting the engine.

"we'll find them." namjoon squeezed jin's thigh in reassurance.

jin looked at joon and smiled, "we will."


after about an hour of driving, joon squinted as he looked through a glass door in a small store on the corner of a street.

"babe, stop." joon continued to look out the window as jin slowly brought the car to a halt.

he stared into the building as he saw a familiar man walk out of the store, his short height compared to the other two men standing out.

"it's the three musketeers." namjoon sighed in relief as he recognized jimin, hoseok, and yoongi.

"thank god!" jin rushed to get his seat belt off and jumped out of the car.

"is that jin?" hoseok widened his eyes as he saw the man running towards them.

"are you all okay? are you hurt? oh my god-" jin bombarded the three with questions as he brought them into tight hugs.

"jin! we're fine! are you okay?" jimin assured and looked to see namjoon walking up to the group.

"we're all okay, right?" joon asked, smiling to see his friends alive and well.

"jin, thank god you're here. i couldn't stand seeing yoongi and jimin being all lovey dovey any longer." hoseok gagged as he hugged the person he called his best friend.

hoseok and jin have always clicked since the first time they met. jin knows hoseok's secrets and flaws, and vice versa. it often felt like the two were best friends in high school, the two of them against the world.

"be jealous all you want." yoongi didn't show he was excited to know jin and namjoon was okay, but he was smiling on the inside. they all knew he was worried sick.

"now, where the hell is jungkook and kim?"


the pair barely slept, getting about five hours of sleep at most.

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