23 (R +)

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taehyung's eyes fluttered open to the new sunlight that poured through the window. his eyes squinted as he stared at the orange rays that shined onto him.

he attempted to get up, but realized something was holding him back. he looked down to see an arm wrapped around his waist and realized jungkook was right behind him, taehyung's back against his body.

careful not to wake him, he repositioned his body so that he was facing jungkook. he watched him with adoration. jungkook's eyelashes were long and his lips were in a pout as he slept.

his bare skin looked so soft that taehyung longed to hold him again, but he held himself back.

not even realizing, he smiled as he brushed a lock of hair out of jungkook's forehead. he laid on his hands as he watched jungkook in a state of peace.

maybe, for now, he could accept that he wasn't alone. that jungkook wanted him and he wanted jungkook as well.

but, he was scared. so scared of these feelings arising in him for the man in front of him.

it was strange waiting to lose everything, not knowing if it would happen or not.

interrupting his thoughts, jungkook's eyes fluttered open. he slowly removed his arm from taehyung's waist and rubbed at his eyes, taehyung's heart jumping at the sight.

"how long were you awake?" jungkook asked, his voice low and groggily.

"not long." taehyung stayed in his position, his head laid on his hands.

"you could have woken me up." jungkook picked his head up to lean it against the palm of his hand, and he looked down at taehyung.

"you looked peaceful."

jungkook smiled and didn't reply, but instead stared in taehyung's eyes. everything about him was so soft and careful.

"should we wake up the other two?" taehyung questioned, although liking the peacefulness they were enduring right now.

"not right now. let's stay like this a little longer."

taehyung didn't reply, but smiled. the pair could do nothing but stare into each other's eyes, their soft breaths entangled with each other.

right now, taehyung could pretend that everything was alright. that he won't get hurt and that this new world didn't exist. right now, he could pretend that it was just him and jungkook in the world.

he could just believe that he was caring for someone in this world and nothing bad would happen.

"it's so... quiet." jungkook recognized, breaking the silence.

"is that a bad thing?"

"i guess not...."

"were you really jealous about bogum?" taehyung suddenly recalled the way jungkook's eyes seemed to darken as he walked into their temporary home.

jungkook started to avoid his eye contact, "i don't get jealous."

taehyung laughed, "oh, that wasn't you being jealous? so you wouldn't mind if i were to go to his house right now-"

"you're not going to his house!" jungkook blurted out, immediately regretting his words after seeing taehyung's shocked, then teasing expression.

taehyung giggled, "jeon jungkook is jealous!"

jungkook rolled his eyes, "whatever."

whenever bogum hit on taehyung, all taehyung could think about was jungkook. flashes of jungkook swarm throughout his brain and he couldn't understand why, but could take a wild guess.

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