15 (R+)

206 16 1


"let's talk."

taehyung now stood directly in front of the male, his expression hard. jungkook obviously needed someone to talk to. while he may not have been the best choice, he was there.

jungkook chuckled, the alcohol still swarming his system, "about?"

jungkook looked up at taehyung in astonishment. he leaned on the night desk, his head titled in pure admiration.

taehyung stood with a determined expression, his eyes not leaving jungkook's. he saw the faint wetness on jungkook's cheeks. there was also a scar that taehyung never noticed.

"you. you're angry jungkook. i get that. but, you're hurting them." and yourself. taehyung tried to make his words sound less slurred.

trying to talk sense into someone while he was drunk was not a good idea, after all.

jungkook dryly chuckled, "is this you trying to have a heart to heart with me?"

"if you think of it that way."

jungkook scanned taehyung's features. he looked at the male's long and pretty eyelashes that fluttered every time he blinked. his cheeks were flushed, and a mole lay on the lower lid of his right eye.

his eyes were hazel, which especially glowed under any kind of light. his eyes showed something jungkook couldn't decipher. what was it about this man that was so... intoxicating? what was it about taehyung that reeled jungkook in?

something was stirring in his chest and he didn't know what.

"you hate yourself. i've been there. hell, i'm still there." taehyung lowered his head to avoid jungkook's intimidating stare.

whenever he looked into jungkook's eyes, it felt as if time had stopped? what was happening?

maybe he was too drunk right now.

"how do you know?" jungkook simply asked.

"maybe we're more alike than i thought." taehyung whispered.

"they think of me as a hero. as a perfect leader that makes all the right choices. but maybe i don't want to be anyone's hero. i just want to be safe, boring, and happy. is that too much to ask?" jungkook rambled, his words pouring out of his mouth like water.

he knew it was a dumb question, but taehyung felt compelled to ask, "you're not happy?"

jungkook scoffed, "are you?"

of course taehyung wasn't happy.

but for some reason, at this this moment, he felt not as alone as he should have felt.

with jungkook, somehow warmth flooded through him. he didn't know if it was him or the alcohol, but he was sure it was the former.

"they know you're not perfect. they just rely on you."

"that's the thing! they shouldn't! i'm a fuck up and i almost got everyone killed."

taehyung swallowed, "you didn't do anything wrong."

"except for the fact that i did everything wrong," jungkook slurred.

and suddenly, they didn't seem to want to talk anymore. they felt something pooling in their stomachs that was bringing them closer together.

it was just them in the room. and that realization suddenly dawned on them.

they started into each other's eyes, trying to decipher any emotions that were hidden beneath the surface of their glossy eyes.

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