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TW // SA⚠️⚠️

hearing the sounds of men talking, taehyung slowly blinked his eyes open. his head pounded as he took in his surroundings.

to the right of him, jungkook was tied up and still unconcsious. blood covered a portion of his head and trickled down his cheek.

taehyung felt anger flood throughout his veins. why was this new world filled with the most shitty people?

"don, look who's up." taehyung heard a man say.

taehyung felt hands on his shoulders. he was brought up on his knees, his head spinning at the movement.

his hands were tied behind his back, and his vision was still slightly blurry.

"get seojoon. he'll be happy."


he knew that name. that name would bring him hell, back in kai's group.


"seojoon, stop. you know kai wouldn't like this." taehyung shook off seojoon's rough hands as they snook their way up his shirt, seated on the couch.

"so? he isn't here. let me touch you, come on." seojoon smirked.

"god, grow up." taehyung stood up from the couch and attempted to walk away, before a hand caught his wrist.

"you don't even like him. you hate him." seojoon still sat on the couch, his grip on taehyung's wrist tight.

"i hate you too." taehung snatched his arm away before walking to the kitchen, looking to fix himself a drink.

it was a constant battle with these two men, kai and seojoon. they both wanted him in every sexual way possible. it was like being with horny dogs.

he popped open a bottle of champagne, watching it fizz as he poured it into a clear wine glass.

kai was out with a few other members looking for food. it was only seojoon, taehyung, and a couple of other people, who were sleeping in their rooms.

he hated this group, this town, and this life. he couldn't go on like this forever.

taehyung gasped as he felt hands on his waist, feeling the presence of seojoon behind him.

seojoon left a trail of kisses along taehyung's neck, "come on, taehyung. let loose, huh?"

taehyung sighed and placed down his glass, "please leave me alone. i'm serious."

seojoon harshy turned taehyung around and chuckled, "or what? you'll tell kai? you'll tell him that i fucked you? that you liked it?"

taehyung shoved seojoon back, "you're crazy and delusional. not everyone is going to like you, seojoon. you're acting like a teenager."

"sluts like you should be grateful someone like me is offering my beautiful body."

taehyung acted like his words didn't hurt. he wouldn't let anyone in this group see his emotions.

why was he the slut? because he was forced all of the time? because he was forced to endulge in these activties with them?

"i'm going to bed." taehyung ignored the man and started walking away.

before he could completely walk out of the kitchen, the sound of glass breaking on the floor rang throughout the house.

taehyung turned around in disbelief as he saw seojoon with his fists clenched, looking close to exploding. broken shards of glass surrounded the man.

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