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"you've got to be kidding me."

the four males stood in the store of the gas station, their eyes widening at the empty place.

"there's nothing left." jimin was shocked.

they looked around and even in the back of the gas station. no gas.

and this wasn't the first place they stopped at.

the car currently had one mile of gas left and there has been no hope for them so far.

"guess we're walking." yoongi sighed, irritated.

"at least it isn't that hot today." taehyung shrugged, following the three boys out of the store.

attempting to have hope, jungkook pressed on the gas pump handle and watched little droplets of gas sputter out. he groaned and slammed it back into its holder, walking back to their car.

"we have to leave it. get anything out of the car that you need." jungkook ordered.

the boys grabbed their knives and guns. they also managed to find a jug of water at a store on the way so they grabbed that as well. even though they looked like school kids with it on, they put their oversized bags on their backs, grateful they could find some sort of backpacks around.

saying goodbye to the car that has helped them so many times, they turned and walked.

and walked.

and walked.

"there's a building up there. do you see it?" jungkook pointed, talking to no one in particular.

"yeah. let's keep walking to that one then." yoongi replied, staying right next to jimin.

taehyung stayed a few paces to the right of jungkook, not daring to get close.

every time he so much as accidently touched jungkook, something deep down inside of him desired him. wanted him. badly.

he was trying so hard to ignore it, but as he noticed the sweat droplets on jungkook's skin and the veins in his arms... those arms that could-

no, taehyung.

he sighed and kept walking.

"a problem, kim?" jungkook asked, hearing the irritated sigh.

"none at all, your majesty."

jungkook rolled his eyes at the response. "surprised you even answered."

taehyung walked a little quicker, "you asked me a question."

"oh, that's all it takes to get you to talk to me?" jungkook looked at taehyung, amused.

jungkook was annoyed, tired, and already sore. but, maybe, just maybe, talking to taehyung could help that.

taehyung ignored his stare on him, "i don't know what you're talking about."

"i'm not stupid. you're avoiding me."

"like i said, i don't know what you're talking about."

jungkook rose his eyebrow at the male, "did my tattoos scare you or something?"

taehyung's cheeks turned a dark shade and he hid his face by staring at the concrete road they walked on, "shut up, idiot."

"fine." jungkook shrugged.

taehyung ignored the tug at his heart and took a deep breath. he could do this, he could do this.

he just needed to distract himself.

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