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"just wait, okay? please." taehyung pleaded to kai, feeling thoughts run through his mind as fast as a speeding car.

after a few moments of tense silence, kai relented, "five minutes and then i shoot."

taehyung pulled jungkook into a tight hug, confusing the male. why was taehyung suddenly hugging him? it's not like he would actually go back with-

"i have to do this."

suddenly hearing those words seemed to make time stop. he felt something deep crumble within him, something that blossomed just from taehyung's presence.

and he knew for a fact, in that moment, taehyung was everything to him.

jungkook immediately pulled away and felt his heart break at the tears in taehyung's eyes, "no. y-you're not. no."

"jungkook, i have to."

"no! there's another way, there has to be..." jungkook desperately looked to his family, wanting to hear some idea. anything.

but they were silent, watching the exchange with tearful eyes. their eyes screamed with pity and a lack of strength. they were completely powerless.

jungkook gulped down the hard lump in his throat and felt his own eyes gain tears, "no."

taehyung ignored his own glossy eyes and held jungkook's cheeks, "hey, look at me."

jungkook stood staring at the ground, feeling life slowly fade away from him. what could he do? it was that question again. taehyung or his family.

and now, there wasn't anyone to save them. there wasn't anyone to stop this. there wouldn't be an extra member coming with a sniper to shoot all of the men with kai. there wouldn't be some band of vigilantes to save the day.

there was nothing he could do. and that fact practically killed him.

he was jungkook. someone who always acted. someone who would do anything to save the people he loved. and now, he couldn't save the one person that made him want to enjoy life again.

"jungkook." taehyung pleaded, realizing that jungkook's silence was worse than any words he could say.

taehyung made a promise to himself. to never let kai take his family away again.

but, he made several promises. for one, to never fall in love. and he, unintentionally, broke that one. what if he broke this one as well? he wouldn't be able to live with himself.

jungkook slowly moved his gaze from the ground and into taehyung's eyes, which mirrored his pain. jungkook whispered, "i just got you, taehyung... i can't lose you, i-"

taehyung painfully smiled despite wanting to do nothing but sob, "hey, you're not losing me, okay? i'm just... i will figure this out, okay? i just need to go with him."

jungkook still disagreed, feeling like still, maybe he could do something. anything. he shook his head and pulled away, turning to his brothers, "no. we'll fight. guys, get ready-"

"jungkook, we won't win this. it would be pointless." jimin sadly whispered, wanting nothing more than to take jungkook's pain away.

even if taehyung wasn't exactly a favorite of jimin, even he knew the heartbreak of love. how love could be the equivalent of pain.

the group loved taehyung and didn't want him to go, but their lives were on the line. and even if they fought, someone would definitely not make it out alive. they would be slaughtered.

jungkook was hurt and confused. he felt weak all of a sudden. so many emotions poured into his soul and he felt so lost. he wanted to scream and punch someone. most of all, he wanted kai to die, to make him feel the same pain he made taehyung and his friends feel. to make him suffer for ever thinking about hurting someone as precious as kim taehyung.

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