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"you ask first. it was your idea."

the group sat in a circle on the living room floor, comfortable as some of them leaned onto each other or were leaning against furniture. namjoon and jin shortly joined the group after they assembled themselves, bright smiles on their faces.

taehyung really didn't want to play, but he figured it would be kind of rude to just ignore them like that. so, he sucked it up and sat down next to hoseok, the only person he felt really comfortable with. well, him and jin.

"okay. yoongi, truth or dare." jungkook smirked as he leaned back against his palms, which were placed against the floor.


"what are some kinks that you and jimin share?"

yoongi and jimin's eyes widened at the question, their faces turning bright red. the group laughed, eventually growing silent as they waited for an answer.

"do not answer that." jimin hid his blushing face by staring at the floor.

taehyung shook his head and hid his smile, feeling a little afraid that jimin might snap at him if he saw him share even a hint of a giggle.

"well, for starters, there's the slapping one. my personal favorite is tying up-"

"okay, that's enough!" jimin clamped his hand down on yoongi's mouth, his face bright red.

jungkook laughed, "sorry, chim."

jimin stuck the middle finger as he hid his flushed face, scooting closer to yoongi as if he could protect him. jimin noticed by sneaking a glance to jungkook that he wouldn't look into his eyes for more than two seconds.

yoongi smiled and wrapped his arm around jimin, placing a kiss on his head, "alright, taehyung. truth or dare."

taehyung rose his head in confusion, not expecting his name to be brought up in the game. he honestly didn't want to play.

"uh, do i have to?"

"yes! come on, don't be a pussy." hoseok nudged his shoulder jokingly.

taehyung ignored jungkook's gaze on him, "fine. truth."

"are you a virgin?" yoongi questioned, genuine curiosity written on his face.

taehyung felt his cheeks get hot, wanting nothing more than to run away and hide somewhere. he felt all eyes on him as he gulped, his thoughts swimming in his head.

it's not even a nerve wracking question. jungkook didn't take his virginity. but, somehow, he still felt nervous. like he was under a microscope and everything he did was being monitored.

finally, he gathered his thoughts. "no."

jimin rolled his eyes, "of course he isn't. look at him."

taehyung's brows furrowed, "and what's that supposed to mean?"

jimin shrugged as he avoided eye contact with taehyung. "no one with a body that good or face that pretty is a virgin, taehyung."

"you're complimenting me?" taehyung was genuinely surprised.

"no. i'm just pointing out the obvious." jimin leaned onto yoongi, ignoring everyone's shocked faces.

taehyung smiled, secretly knowing he will hold this against the latter that hates him so much. as he looked around, his eyes stopped on jungkook. there was a sort of look in his eyes that made him stop and stare.

god, what was up with him?

he could practically feel the tension wrapping around his body like a blanket. and it made him shiver. taehyung saw more images in his mind from him and jungkook the previous night.

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