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you either kill or be killed.

that was something that needed to be put in everyone's mind. that single sentence can't even think about leaving your head, as it will keep you alive.

when did this start? this sudden need for survival from flesh eating nightmares?

for him, it started on day one, as he titled it in his journal, called,

the end of the world

he remembered thinking about whether or not he could survive in this new world. with everyone losing their humanity and claiming territory like in the past.

thinking if he wanted to survive. why would he go through all of this trouble to stay alive, just to die in the very end?

but, this was the end. this was worse than dying. seeing those beasts out on the street every night of every day was way worse.

dying is easy. living is hard.

he kept going. he learned what they were, why they were, and how they were.

it was frightening, of course, but this was the new world, and it certainly wasn't his or anyone's else's world anymore.

he was alone. alone killing them and alone fighting to stay alive.

but, he found people. he found his group and he found help.

though, not everything lasts. especially in this new world.

what he didn't know, was that he would fall in love.

with a guy that was the same, yet different, as him. a guy who would die for him.

he didn't want to fall in love. he didn't want to wake up in his arms the next day or the day after that.

but, he did. he did and he fell in love with every single second of it.

then, he didn't know that love came with a price.

someone warned him, but he didn't listen. he didn't believe in these "prices."

but, he never saw this certain price coming. this price shouldn't have affected him, but it did.

if only he would have kept on walking forward, following the road up north, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

maybe he wouldn't have caused so much pain.

that was the price of love.

you rise to heaven, feel the warmth and calming atmosphere, overall happy with the good that comes in your life,

only to fall screaming back to hell, the emotions drained and sucked out of you like a vacuum.


first chapter, how was it??

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡Where stories live. Discover now