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"you've got to be crazy if you think letting him stay here is a good idea,"  jimin barged into jungkook's room, his anger showing through his conflicted eyebrows.

jungkook sighed, "jimin-"

"do you not realize you could be putting us in danger? we don't know him, jungkook! he could be ratting us out to his stupid group already," jimin exclaimed as jungkook sat on the bed, his elbows on his knees.

"he escaped his group-"

"do you know what lying is? god, it's like i'm the only one thinking about our safety."

jungkook immediately removed his elbows off his knees and stood up, glaring at the shorter male.

"everything i do is to protect this group. don't you dare think that's what i'm not doing."

"if you're protecting the group, then kill him."jimin clenched his fists.

"i'm not doing that, park."

jungkook only used their sur names when he was upset...

jimin knew he was crossing his limit, but this was putting them all at risk. at least, he believed so.

he learned to trust his gut now. that's all he needed to do to keep himself alive and the people he loved.

"did you have sex with him? is that why you want to protect him so much?"

"what the hell are you talking about?"

"you know exactly what we've been through. you know what happened. you know that this will get someone killed and that blood will be on your hands. again." jimin sniffed and turned around, opening the door to see taehyung standing there, his fist clenched like he was about to knock on the wooden door.

jungkook inhaled and pinched his forehead, sitting down on his bed.

that blood will be on your hands. again.

those words hit him like a blow he's never felt before.

"are you gonna stand there or let yourself in? might as well get comfortable," jimin taunted.

taehyung moved to the side, not speaking a word, and let jimin pass, making sure the hallway was clear before he walked into jungkook's room and closed the door.

"what, kim?" jungkook closed his eyes and pinched the skin between his eyebrows.

"you don't have to do this. you don't have to let me stay here," taehyung silently announced.

"you're free to leave. i'm not stopping you."

"they'll beg and hoseok will show me his puppy eyes again,"  taehyung joked, walking to the bed and sitting next to jungkook, making sure to create distance.

jungkook opened his eyes and thought of hoseok's eyes, "yeah, those always work."

he tried not to think about jimin's hurtful comment as he focused on taehyung's velvet voice. somehow, it was able to ground him.

taehyung smiled and looked down at his lap. "i don't want to cause arguments and fights just from me staying here."

"the only person who has a real problem with it is jimin."

"why does he?"

jungkook sighed, "a lot of shit happened to us. we've given our trust to too many people, especially him. it's hard for him, but there's a reason."


taehyung heard the argument outside the door. of course, he shouldn't have been eavesdropping, but the yelling intrigued him.

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