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"hm.... i was expecting to hear moans."

the boys playfully rolled their eyes at hoseok's comment as they slowly walked into the house. they didn't expect to be gone for two nights, but they decided it was best for the youngest pair.

it was now the middle of the day, the boys finally arriving home to greet jungkook and taehyung, only they couldnt find them.

"maybe they're in his room." jimin pointed to jungkook's room.

namjoon shrugged before knocking on the bedroom door, but then looking back at the crew after not hearing a reply.

"it's unlocked." he added before slowly twisting the knob, opening the door.

but, taehyung and jungkook weren't there. there was just an empty bed.

"where are they?" jin questioned, feeling a bit of worry sneak into his chest.

"hey, hey. i'm sure they're fine. let's just walk around." namjoon placed a comforting hand on jin's waist before the group split up, looking for taehyung and jungkook.

after a few minutes, they decided to check the backyard. no one usually hung out in the backyard anymore, as it felt like there was nothing to do but sit around and smell the stench of rotten flesh.

but, shocked expressions went on their face as they opened the door to see taehyung and jungkook, bright smiles on their faces and giggles pouring out of their mouths. jungkook was running, taehyung's legs around his waist as he was placed on his back, his arms wrapped around his nape.

they didn't appear to notice them. they seemed to be pretending to be somewhere, anywhere other than here. other than this world.

just two normal boys having fun. being happy.

the boys smiled at the sight, even jimin, to everyone's utter surprise.

jungkook has never been this happy in the four months they've known him since the outbreak. he's never had this much fun with any one of them. but, here he was, with taehyung. laughing and playing like he will never be sad again.

and suddenly, taehyung's questions to namjoon became clear. namjoon's smile got brighter as he watched taehyung cling tight to jungkook, almost as if he was scared to let him go.

and watching the pair, it seemed like they were hopelessly in love.

namjoon almost didnt believe it until he heard jungkook say taehyung's name in the midst of their fun. he said it with love, as if he cared, as if taehyung mattered.

and that was when he knew that there was more to them than even he could understand, hopeless in love as he was already. there was love. a deep, maybe dangerous love.

"well, you two appear to be having fun." jimin soon interrupted, causing the two to pause and finally realize the audience they now had.

taehyung widened his eyes and hopped off jungkook's back, his face turning a bright red. jungkook's face was also blushing, rubbing the back of his nape sheepishly with his hand as he avoided eye contact.

taehyung cleared his throat, "when did, uh, you all get back?"

yoongi smirked, "well, we've been standing here watching you both for about thirty minutes now."

jungkook and taehyung looked at each other once before walking closer to the group, their eyes trying to stay off of each other.

"how was the little secret trip?" jungkook crossed his arms and deflected.

"we're alive, so i guess it went well." jimin replied.

"how have you two been? not too worried about us, huh?" hoseok wiggled his eyebrows, making jin smack his shoulder in response.

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