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"where's taehyung and jungkook?" hoseok looked around the group, missing two, and questioned.

namjoon shrugged, "kook has been in his room all day and taehyung hasn't left the bathroom."

hoseok groaned, "i wish he would hurry up. i have to shit so bad."

jin hit his arm in disgust, "too much information, freak."

"oh seriously? you don't like me talking about my shit, but i have to deal with listening to you moan from namjoon?"

jin's cheeks turned bright pink as he hit hoseok again, now cuddling closer to namjoon, who chuckled.

"and what is going on with them?! they're looking at each other like they just found each other in the ocean or something." hoseok exclaimed as he stared at yoongi and jimin in horror, as they were ignoring everyone else and talking to each other lowly on the couch, their smiles as bright as a babys'.

"you're just mad you're single." namjoon rolled his eyes.

"whatever. seriously, though, what's going on with jungkook and taehyung? should we check on them?" hoseok asked with concern.

namjoon shook his head, "when they're ready to come out, they'll come out. i just have a feeling they don't want us to come to them."

"i wonder what they're doing." jin mumbled.

"do you think they got into a fight?" hoseok questioned and leaned back into the sofa.

namjoon and jin shrugged in response. hoseok then turned to yoongi and jimin, still too engrossed with each other to be paying attention.

hoseok groaned louder than necessary and walked to them to wave his hands in front of their faces, "hello?! if you bastards would talk to us, that would be great."

yoongi rolled his eyes as jimin chuckled, "what are y'all even talking about, hobi?"


"what about him?" yoongi rose his eyebrows.

hoseok crossed his arms, "he's been in his room all day. what's up with him?"

jimin shrugged, "i don't know. ask jungkook yourself."

"ask me what?"

the five males turned to see jungkook standing at the edge of the hallway, his hair messy and his expression tight, his eyebrow piercing still shining a beautiful glow.

"oh, there you are! are you okay? you've been hibernating in there and you haven't done that in a while. at least not since tae-"

"um, why don't i fix us dinner? we're all probably hungry." jin interrupted and glared at hoseok, who immediately shut his mouth.

"nice." jungkook tightly smiled and joined the rest on the sofa, choosing to sit by namjoon.

hoseok cleared his throat, "i'll go help jin."

namjoon tapped jungkook's thigh, "you okay?"

jungkook appeared to be distracted but he answered namjoon's question, "yeah, why wouldn't i be?"

namjoon shrugged, "you seem upset."

"why did you cut me off? i didn't say anything bad." hoseok whispered to jin, who was grabbing cans out of the pantry.

jin slammed the cans on the counter, "it's obvious him and taehyung are in some lovers quarrel. why did you bring him up, idiot?"

"how was i supposed to know that?" hoseok rolled his eyes.

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