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as dawn was creeping in on the atmosphere, the sight would have brought beautiful tears into everyone's eyes. after just proclaiming their love, taehyung and jungkook would have loved it. just standing there to enjoy the sunrise with each other, now fully acceptive of their feelings.

but, this wasn't a beautiful moment.

this was an awful one, with the guy that hurt taehyung and the people he loved the most.

"n-no." taehyung moved from jungkook and whispered, standing right in front of him, as if to protect him.

"tae?" jungkook whispered, looking between the new member and taehyung for a moment.

he was now on guard. because whoever this was, they somehow knew taehyung. he figured he hurt him and he definitely wouldn't let that happen again.

"i'm getting the guys." jungkook clenched his fists, close to walking away but a hold on his arm made him stop.

"please, don't leave me." taehyung whispered, his grip tight.

and when jungkook looked into his eyes, he saw a hidden pain. taehyung looked completely frightened. and that scared him.

"who is this, tae?" jungkook side-eyed the guy on the other side of the gate.

"k-kai..." taehyung mumbled and hid his face, staring at the ground.

jungkook's eyes widened, "i thought you killed him."

taehyung looked back into his eyes, "i thought so, too."

"come on, taehyungie! i don't get a hug and a kiss?" kai taunted as he smiled, walking closer to the gate to hang his fingers through the holes.

"you don't fucking talk to him." jungkook pointed at kai, pushing taehyung behind him in protectiveness.

kai's eyes darkened, "oh, come on. lets not be hostile. we're all just guys being friendly, right?"

jungkook scoffed, "friendly? those guns and knives don't seem friendly to me."

at the mention of weapons, taehyung eyed the group placed around kai. in their pockets and waist holders were guns and knives, mostly shot guns, and the knives were sharpened. as if they were waiting for a moment.

kai turned around to his group before turning back to look at jungkook. he smirked, "precaution. i'm sure you understand, right?"

jungkook glared and as he was about to walk forward to confront the guy more, taehyung tugged him back. "jungkook, no-"

"tae, he's a fucking prick. i'm not scared of him or his minions."

taehyung shook his head, "no, you don't understand. he is crazy, jungkook. he's dangerous and-"

kai whistled, "come on, tae. i'm right here. after all we've been through together, can't i at least get some nice hospitality?"

taehyung glared at the man who traumatized him for life, "i hate you."

kai shrugged, "no, you loved me. you loved when i was fucking you, hm? those beautiful cries.... i bet this guy here had his fair share of some too."

jungkook felt anger seep through his veins at the thought of someone touching taehyung. hurting him. as if he was this weak object that could be thrown around.

jungkook shook taehyung's hand off, "i suggest you shut the fuck up."

"or what?" a sparkle went through kai's eyes, like he was having fun.

before anyone could respond, the sound of a door opening made everyone's attention turn back. they looked to see the newly awaken group, all looking disheveled, but on guard as weapons were placed in their hands.

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