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tw// suicide mention⚠️

the sound of feet shuffling and voices immediately woke taehyung up. he sprang up on the sofa and gasped, everything startling him.

all eyes were on him, as the group that accepted him looked at him with curious eyes.

"i'm sorry. did we interrupt your sleep?" seokjin started to walk to taehyung.

"no! i just had a nightmare. how long have i been asleep?" taehyung stood up and stretched.

"a while, actually. even jungkook got up before you did." jin warmly smiled and walked back to namjoon.

taehyung's eyes traveled to jungkook, who was sitting on a stool, his eyes already placed on taehyung.

nervous, taehyung looked away and walked closer to the group, "sorry. i didn't mean to sleep that long."

"it's fine! you looked tired. sleep as much as you want." hoseok draped his arm around taehyung's shoulders.

"thanks." taehyung awkwardly smiled, sort of scared to feel fully comfortable.

jungkook moved his attention away from the male, "river tonight, right?"

"that's the plan." hoseok grinned.

taehyung had an admiration for gazing at beautiful sights. he figured this river would be another sight he would love. no matter what or where, anything caught his eye and made him want to stare. he loved the feeling of knowing that there was still something beautiful in this new world.

he wished he were like the sights he would see. free with no frown in sight. he badly wished to go back to that.

taehyung thought that he was the only one who thought like this. he figured that no one could really gaze into things the way he did, or even communicate with him about it.

those thoughts, he assumed, had to stay in his head.

"are you hungry or thirsty?" namjoon brought taehyung back to earth, as he tuned out everything while thinking.

"no, i'm fine. thanks." taehyung politely rejected.

he didn't know why, but he felt as if he needed a breather. a moment to get away from the shelter and breathe in the air of outside.

as if he was reading his mind, jungkook placed down his water bottle and announced, "i need some fresh air. i'll be in the front."

quickly, taehyung turned his attention to jungkook as he started walking to the door.

"can i join?" taehyung asked, catching up to jeon.

jungkook turned around and raised his eyebrow in curiosity. he didn't know what kim was doing, but he didn't feel the need to question him.

he nodded, "sure."

the group stared in surprise as the pair walked out the door, the door shutting behind them.

"interesting." yoongi smirked and slurped the last pineapple in a can, staring at the door.

jimin eyed him and scoffed, shaking his head.


taehyung walked behind jungkook silently, checking out the area. it was nice, he thought. there was a nice breeze that made his hair dance, along with a great deal of grass in front of the home.

"you came out here to kill me?" jungkook joked and sat down on the concrete porch placed in front.

"please. what good would come out of killing you now?" taehyung sat a good distance away, hugging his knees to his chest.

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