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taehyung's eyes slowly fluttered open at the sunlight that poured through the window. he didn't have any current collection of last night, not even recalling where he was at the moment.

he yawned and sat up, feeling a sudden pain hit his lower back. he ignored the pounding in his head as he winced and looked under the covers, recognizing that he was completely naked.

his eyes widened as he looked at his own skin, seeing nothing but his bare chest. what happened last night?

he investigated the bed he was in, not recognizing it as the living room couch, but...

jungkook's bed.

he gasped when he saw jungkook sleeping, himself also completely naked.

oh no.

"please don't tell me this is real." taehyung groaned and pinched his forehead, trying to remember what happened last night.

all he could recall was flashed images of glasses of tequila and the near death experience that they almost went through.

he threw off the covers and attempted to find his clothes, a major headache forming in his head.

great, he had sex with jungkook and a hangover.

he found his pants and boxers, hurriedly putting them on, jumping so his jeans would come on. he buckled his belt and looked for his shirt, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"so you're the type to leave right after sex? noted." taehyung's movements were halted at the sound of jungkook's raspy voice.

so, he didn't have a problem with this?

taehyung glared at jungkook, who leaned against the headboard with his eyes heavy. he was still naked, his covers covering up his lower body.

taehyung's eyes travelled down his abs, gulping at the sight. he saw faint, red marks along his chest. did he do that? he tore his eyes away and continued looking for his shirt, ignoring the soreness that practically screamed at him in every movement he made.

"relax, you're not the first guy i've seen naked." jungkook watched in interest as taehyung frantically looked for his shirt.

jungkook recalled last night, but the images came in a blur. he knew he fucked taehyung, but he didn't know how they even got to that state.

he didn't particularly care. he's had sex before and it never was a big deal. but, he felt nervous at the moment. he didn't know why.

but, he had to seem cool and collected. he was jeon jungkook. he couldn't freak out.

"jesus, what did you do to me?" taehyung found his shirt, placing it over his head.

"me? what did i do? i'm pretty sure we both had sex with each other, taehyung." jungkook rolled his eyes as he placed his arms behind his head on the headboard.

"whatever. this never happened, okay?" taehyung gave jungkook a glared look, not wanting anyone to know about their previous encounters.

"can it not happen one more time? i-"

taehyung groaned, "jungkook!"

jungkook laughed, "alright, alright. i won't tell anyone if you won't."

"i won't."

"good. oh, if you're feeling sore, jin has some epsom salt." jungkook winked at taehyung, who immediately turned a bright pink.

"fuck off." taehyung stuck the middle finger before rushing to the bedroom door, unlocking it.

"taehyung." jungkook stopped him.

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