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the four finally arrived to the elegant black gate, it seeming to somehow still shine even after these months of terror.

the gate wasn't that tall. all they had to do was climb a little and jump down the little distance to the ground.

the gate had a nice elegant curve at the top middle of it. it stretched on both sides of the community and they couldn't see past the trees that accompanied it.

through the gate, they saw the houses and empty streets. it looked well protected. they just wondered what the insides of the houses looked like.

jungkook threw his bag over the gate to land on the other side, "okay. i'll jump over first and i'll make sure you guys get down safely."

"why are you going first?" jimin asked.

jungkook smirked, "oh, you want to go first? you and yoongi are four feet tall and it's better for me to go than kim."

jimin and yoongi rolled their eyes as taehyung coudn't help but giggle. hearing his soft laugh, jungkook brought his attention to taehyung.

the sound of his laughter brought joy to him and he couldn't understand why.

he smiled in response. it was a beautiful moment. a beautiful sight. and a beautiful sound.

"whatever." yoongi pushed jungkook lightly to the gate, snapping jungkook out of his gaze.

jungkook ignored his pounding nerves and winked at yoongi before giving his full attention to the gate. he sucked in a breath and took ahold of a pole of the gate, pulling himself up.

the three other boys walked to him and stood close, ready to hold him up if he needed.

but, of course, the golden boy was perfectly fine.

he pulled himself over to the top of the gate, grunting as he brought his legs over and held on to the side of the gate.

taehyung's stomach did flips after seeing the way jungkook's body flexed his muscles perfectly. and how jungkook's shirt rode up, exposing some of his beautiful skin.

jungkook finally brought himself lower before letting go of the gate, his feet landing harshly on the ground. he quicky looked around the community, seeing that it looked to be empty and quiet.

just to confirm his suspicions, he tried opening the gate with his hands, it not budging. there must be a button to control it somewhere around.

he looked through the gate to his company, "jump over."

"you go first, chim." yoongi told him, helping jimin climb and pull himself over.

jimin let go and jumped straight down, jungkook's arms helping him.

"you going next or me?" yoongi questioned.

"you can go." taehyung replied.

yoongi nodded and proceeded to lift himself over the gate.

after he finished, taehyung gulped and climbed up the gate, using most of his strength to pull himself over.

he let go of the poles and fell right into jungkook's arms, his legs wobbling clumsily.

breathless, he held the sides of jungkook's arms as jungkook's arms seemed caged around him. slowly, jungkook travelled his hands to taehyung's waist, just holding him.

taehyung felt his heart jump as jungkook seemed to look at him with so much care. but surely, he was dreaming.

the two seemed to be stuck in time, their eyes not once leaving each others'. they were practically glued to each other.

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