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"mom, we will be fine, okay? i will protect you guys. i promise."

jungkook tried to comfort his mother, who was bawling. currently, they were hiding in his mother's car, who was in the passenger seat. his younger sister by a year sat in the back seat, her eyes half open due to her restlessness.

"oh, my babies." his mother wept.

he sighed and sat back in his drivers seat, trying to control his own shaking hands. truthfully, he was scared. scared of these new creatures and scared of the outcome if they crossed these creatures.

whenever they saw them, they ran. they ran or drove and just went away as far as they could.

but, gas was running out. the car had nothing but a few miles left and his mother was freaking out.

it's been six days since the outbreak. since those creatures started to roam the earth. six days since he ran with his family to god knows where.

"mom, please. we're all strong. we will survive." his sister, sohee, sat forward and touched her mother's shoulder with her hand.

they've been in the car for hours. every now and then, they would hear screams, then the tearing of flesh, and then silence.

when it first happened, jungkook and his sister were walking home from university classes. they wanted to visit their mother, who was lonely after they left for college.

their father has never been truly around. the "lovely" couple happily divorced when jungkook was ten and his sister was nine.

even that young, jungkook knew that his father was going to leave. he knew that the man didn't feel connected to his kids.

he never played with them. never talked to them.

he only drank beer and yelled. occasionally, hit.

but, he never hit them. his mother never let that happen. even if it meant she would get the worst of it all, she protected them with everything in her.

they loved their mom. she was all they had.

they had no idea where their father was. it never seemed to cross their minds anymore.

when jungkook and sohee first saw the biters in the streets, they thought they were being pranked. they laughed and kept walking, but that was until they saw blood.

until they heard the screams.

and then they ran.

"if anything happens to me, i want you both to know i love you so much. you both are so strong and i am so happy to have spent my life with my amazing kids." their mother wept in the car, her cheeks wet.

"nothing is going to happen to us." jungkook reassured her.

but, to be in truth, he didn't exactly believe that. he just hoped. he hoped that nothing will happen to the three of them.

they were his family, after all. his everything.

"are we just going to sit in here? i mean-"

they never got to hear what sohee said when they heard the blood curling scream of a man shake the windows of the car.

"jungkook!" sohee shook his shoulder and pointed outside the window.

as jungkook followed the point of her finger, he saw a man battling three creatures on the ground. he was screaming in terror as the man held them off as best as he could, his clothes torn and baggy.

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