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"you ever thought about where we would be if we weren't here?"

at jin's question, namjoon picked up his gaze to stare into his lover's eyes. they just got done fucking, their breaths finally reaching a steady rhythm. they laid with jin's head on namjoon's chest, his fingers tracing patterns on namjoon's toned stomach.

"what do you mean?" namjoon questioned, his fingers playing with jin's hair.

jin sat up, leaning against the headboard and gazing at namjoon with an endearing look, "i mean, if we could be anywhere else right now, literally anywhere in the world, where would we be?"

namjoon leaned onto his left elbow and brought his hand to stroke jin's naked waist, his eyes never leaving his. "i don't really think about that anymore."


"because here's pretty nice. with you."

jin smiled at that and bent over to peck namjoon's lips, "yeah. here's pretty nice."

namjoon thought about the way the two seemed to click automatically when they met each other. it was just something about the other.

like love at first sight.

they never thought they would find a love like this, but they're glad they did. love definitely exists and they were able to find it in each other.

and it didn't matter where they were.

"i don't want to lose you, namjoon." jin whispered, his voice laced with a distant pain.

namjoon watched a painful expression move across jin's eyes. he knew he was scared of lost, ever since what happened to him before the outbreak.

he loved him. with everything in him, he loved jin and there was just something about him that never made him feel as quite alone as he should have felt.

there was just something about jin caring about him like that that made him feel like he could never actually be alone.

"you won't lose me. ever." namjoon confirmed, pulling jin into his embrace and resting his chin on top of jin's head as he stroked his back.

"is that a promise?"

"that's a promise."

you either choose to love or you choose to live in an empty world with no one there, but you.

he loves you taehyung. now let yourself love him.

it was now night time, the chirping of crickets heard outside. the rest of the boys were sleeping most likely, but taehyung was wide awake. wide awake and pondering.

after his talk with yoongi, he's been drowning in his thoughts. thoughts about himself. about this world. about his old self.

and of course, the man who's got his heart in webs, jeon jungkook.

he's been on the couch for hours, staring at the walls with tear stained cheeks. he was sure his eyes were puffy and red, but he couldn't find the need to care.

a few times, the boys all came to check on him. he ignored them and continued to sit on the couch, wondering about his life.

jungkook hasn't awoken yet. that was good, at least. he didn't want to face him until he concluded his thoughts.

but after the long hours, after the tears and crying, after the thoughts and talks, he's finally made his decision. after all of this debating in his mind, he knew what he had to do.

taehyung stood up from the couch and walked to jungkook's room, slowly untwisting the knob before walking in and shutting the door after him.

jungkook slowly woke up from the sound, turning the lamp on, that was slowly losing its life, on the bed side near him on. at seeing taehyung, he rose his eyebrows, "hi."

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