Those 3 Words

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Nya hummed as she swept the floor with the broom. There wasn't anything really happening today besides some training in the front of the Monastery, and then there was Jay and Kai out on some mission that Wu deemed that the 2 of them could do together. 

Really, Nya didn't know what Wu was thinking when he decided to pair her boyfriend together with her brother. They never partnered for anything like that on their own, and as she understood, only agreed on anything if it was her safety involved. Sure, their relationship was better than when they first started to go out, but she knew that Jay at least was still very weary around Kai.

That led Nya to cleaning the kitchen to distract herself on what was happening outside. Literally everyone volunteered to take Jay or Kai's place so that they weren't necessarily alone together, but Wu said that those 2 specific Elements were needed. Nya couldn't remember the specifics of the mission after that piece of news was dropped. 

Nya knew she was worrying about probably nothing. Jay seemed more than willing to go to the mission with Kai that morning before they took off. Kai had yet to say anything really rude to Jay either. Perhaps she was just reading too much into the interactions that she saw Jay have with Kai. It was just that he was always either with her or with Cole. There were few times in which she saw him with Kai.

"Jay and Kai are fine, Nya. There is no need for your worry." Pixal stated as she sighed watching Nya clean the same spot for the 5th time.

"I'm not worried." Nya stated with an eyeroll.

"You cleaning the same spot over and over tells otherwise. Besides, Kai called 15 minutes ago and said that they were both almost here. Both alive and well, although, Jay apparently sprained a wrist doing something. Kai refused to get into it when Zane asked if they were both okay." Pixal explained with a sigh, but Nya couldn't tell to what it was towards.

"Did you talk to Jay on the phone at all? He generally calls me when he is done with these." Nya asked with a small frown.

"Ummm... No, I don't recall him talking at all. He was strangely silent for him. I'm sure you can ask him about it when he gets here... Oh. Here they are." Pixal said with smile as she grabbed Nya by the arm and took her outside.

Nya could tell something was seriously up to moment she stepped out. It was too quiet outside for Jay to be out there. Yet, when she looked up, her boyfriend was standing there, refusing to look at Kai and cradling his wrist to his chest. Kai's eye was swollen and puffy red, and Nya could swear that she saw remorse in Kai as he looked towards the Blue Ninja. Nya looked towards Jay's wrist and then towards Kai's eye over and over until she started to put 2 and 2 together.

"What happened?" Nya demanded to Jay, which she knew he would answer like he always did.

"I got into a fight with Kai, and then I sprained my wrist punching his face." Jay said in a monotone voice, only briefly looking at her before then looking past her head.

"Why the hell would you do that?" Nya gasped as she looked towards Jay with a frown.

Jay didn't answer, and instead walked around Nya and then walked away without looking back. That was a first for her. Jay never walked away from her like that. Jay never didn't answer her questions that she asked. She made her attention focus towards her brother, who in turn looked at the floor, refusing to meet her gaze. Nya sighed before grabbing Kai's wrist and pulling him to the Kitchen. She clearly wasn't going to be getting information from Jay, so she might as well try to get it from her brother before she tried again from her boyfriend.

Kai was silent as Nya went to go grab ice from the freezer for her brother's eye. This made Nya sigh slightly as she shook her head. Carefully, she wrapped the ice in a cloth and walked back over to Kai. She lightly pressed the cloth covered ice to his eye and slightly flinched when Kai hissed in what she assumed was pain. 

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