Little Piece of Perfect

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*As promised, a much happier oneshot than the last one.*

In the beginning, she thought that love was stupid. She didn't believe in it. It seemed like a waste of time. There were better things to do besides chase after boys. There was so much more that you could do, like run a shop. Take care of your family, not that she ever really had that to begin with.

Then, Jay came tumbling into her life. It was hard to explain, but it was suddenly like she knew him all of her life. They were always together, and she found herself chasing after him on more than one occasion, just like he did with her. It was weird. It was different. It was nice. She loved him. She loved him so much that it hurt. 

Nya heard the cries, and instantly started to wake up. She was about to stand when she felt a hand on her arm. Her eyes glanced up at the man who was standing as he placed a kiss on her forehead. She felt her eyes dripping with exhaustion when the cries started erupting from the other side of the room. She started to wrestle with the sheets that seemed to have formed a cocoon around her before Jay leaned her back down.

"Go back to sleep. I've got it. You need to rest." Jay whispered as he kissed her head one final time and backed away.

"She is probably hungry." Nya tried to argue, but she couldn't find it in herself to fight against the sheets anymore.

"I'll give her a bottle. Waterlily, it will be okay. You are still in pain. Let me take care of her. Let me take care of you." Jay said quietly as he reached down and grabbed his daughter from the basinet. 

Nya felt herself relax as she watched Jay come back in shortly after with their daughter in his arms and a bottle in her mouth. His eyes were filled with so much admiration for the little creature that was in his arms, and the sight made Nya melt. 

"Jay, I love you." Nya whispered as she felt her eyes drop.

"I love you too. So much more than you will ever know." Jay whispered back as he started to hum his lullaby to his daughter.

She never thought that she would have a family. She didn't think she deserved one, especially when her parents seemed to have left without a warning. Kai was the only one she had for a long time, and she thought that it would have stayed that way. 

Then Jay came into her life. Sure, Kai didn't get along with him all of the time, but at least he realized that he made her happy. Then, they got married, and shortly after that, they were expecting their daughter, and Nya felt her heart grow when they learned the news. Its funny how life goes in the exact opposite way you were expecting to go.

"Please don't cry, Rain." Nya almost begged as rocked her daughter back and forth.

She loved her husband and her daughter, but it was clear that she was a Daddy's girl. She should have just been the one to go get the groceries. Perhaps she wouldn't be crying like she was being murdered. No, she probably would be. She loved her daughter and babies in general were difficult, but she had a feeling that having a baby with colic just made it all the more difficult. Well, she still wouldn't change anything for the world.

Nya said as she hesitantly started to sing the lullaby that Jay often sang their daughter. It was in a different language that was apparently in the Walker family for generations. She had no idea what she was singing about, and she hoped that her her husband was singing about something child appropriate. Anytime she asked, he just flashed her a smile and his eyes lit up almost wickedly. She wasn't sure if it was because he wasn't sure either, or if it was because he just liked terrorizing her. It could have been a combination of both if she were being honest.

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