The Jokester

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*This is a Part 2 from the last one shot, but from Nya's view*

She was drawn to his laughter.

It was his laughter that was the thing that notified her when he was in the room.

She didn't understand why.

It could have been because it was loud.

She knew that wasn't it.

That was the lie that she told herself.

You couldn't help but smile every time he told a story.

He was always so charismatic with every story he told.

Sometimes, when it was really late at night, she would listen for his voice to put her to sleep.

She didn't know what that meant. 

She was scared what that meant. 

She had never had feelings like this before, and it scared her deeply.

Kai wouldn't understand.

He never tried to understand her.

He still loved her.

She knew that he loved her very much.

She had to figure this out on her own, and that scared her a little bit.

He loved to panic, she realized.

He freaked out the minute something went wrong.

She couldn't help but wonder why.

Was it because of his own personal life experiences?

Was it his up bringing?

Why was she so curious?

It wasn't any of her business.

His parents are loud.

That must be where he got it from.

He is embarrassed. 

She wonders why he has to be embarrassed.

Is he blushing at her?

Was she really just his type?

Why did she want that to be true?

She learned pretty quickly that he cared deeply about his family.

He acted like he didn't, but Nya knew the truth.

She knew that they were probably the real reason Jay fought.

He wanted to protect them, not Ninjago.

It was noble.

It also made her sad.

Jay clearly had to grow up before he was completely ready.

It explained his freak outs.

He didn't know how to express it.

It wouldn't be surprising to her if he bottled up emotions until they came out in his freak outs.

She wished that she had parents like Ed and Edna.

She is glad that she doesn't though.

She is glad that she doesn't remember them at all.

She wouldn't have met him if they were around.

He loved to joke.

His jokes weren't always funny, but they always held some sort of truth.

He loved to laugh at his own jokes.

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