Family Matters

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*This is a Sequel to The Monster Under the Stars.*

Nya felt her eyes drift to her fiancé as his leg jiggled up and down on their couch, her hand pausing on her stomach where a bump would be present in the next couple of months. They had suspected that she had was pregnant, and when the doctor confirmed their suspicions that morning, the couple hadn't been shocked in the slightest. Generally, if they both thought something, it was true.

"Well, I guess that Edna was right in a way." Nya finally stated in hopes to get her fiancé to laugh instead of staring silently at the table in front of them.

It had taken a year for her to finally get the whole story of Ed, Edna, and the Mailman. In that time, Jay had distanced himself from the couple, something that she didn't understand until one day a few months ago she had gone to deliver something to Edna only to find a screaming match going on between Ed and the Mailman himself on who was better qualified to take care of Edna while she just watched and sipped her tea while giving Nya some suggestions on what she could be doing with Jay instead of watching the disaster unfold. That was the last time that she ever went over to that house without someone with her.

"Eww. Don't say that. I do not want her involved in our sex life in any way, shape, or form." Jay said as he stuck his tongue out and shook his head in disgust.

"Well, I don't know how to tell you this, but she has made herself involved with our sex life for over a year at this point." Nya said with a sigh and a small laugh before she turned and snuggled into Jay's side, burring her face into his neck. 

She felt Jay hesitate before carefully wrapping his arms around her and his hand barely touching her stomach. Her joke didn't calm him down, it appeared. Whatever was bothering him was still freaking him out. Her eyes opened to find his eyes focused on her stomach as his eyebrows furrowed before suddenly letting out a barking laugh. The sudden mood change caused Nya to almost fall out of her spot on the couch in surprise. 

"Jay?" Nya asked in concern as she clutched his hand.

"You're Dad is going to kill me." He said as he continued laughing, and Nya suddenly understood.

Her father was absolutely terrifying.

"I don't know what he would expect, Sparky. He had to have known that we were in a serious relationship....right?" Nya asked suddenly unsure.

Truth be told, she hadn't spent much time with her parents after they came back, generally only seeing them twice a year. When she did end up seeing them, the atmosphere was tense. Generally, Jay would join her, and while he did have sympathy for what they had to go through, she knew that he still didn't necessarily forgive them. She understood in a way. Her parents never saw or had to live with the effects of them living had on her and Kai. Unfortunately though, that meant that Jay had seen it and lived with it, and he knew just how bad it got.

The other issue was that Ray and Jay just didn't seem to mix well together unless Kai was there, and Nya had a sinking suspicion that the only reason that went well was because Kai protected him. Jay had told her it was because Ray and Libby didn't get along, so Ray had resentment towards him. It was one of the few times that Jay had ever referenced his birth mother, and he didn't say any more than that, instantly changing to topic to something else.

"Well, your brother got his obliviousness from somewhere, and it most certainly wasn't your mother." Jay was borderline hysterical at this point as he was gasping for breath before he started laughing again.

That statement was unfortunately very true. As much as Nya wished she was, her mother was like Edna. The difference being that Edna had only been acting the way she had for a year whereas Maya literally always acted that way. She even made T-Shirts that had 'Number 1 Jaya Shipper' and 'Jaya President'. It made them both very uncomfortable. The second time that Jay came with her to meet with her parents, she had already asked when they were going to expect grandkids. That interaction caused Jay to avoid Nya for 3 days before she eventually cornered him and made him speak to her. 

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