Kaleidoscope Eyes

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*Takes place during season 1.*


That was what he saw in her eyes.

No one else seemed to notice how they came to life. 

He did. 

He watched her eyes come to life every time she got a new idea.

Every time she was passionate about something.

She didn't notice him.

Why would she notice him?

He was the boy from the Junkyard.

He was the anxious one of the group.

He was the jokester.

The one that was never supposed to take anything seriously.

No one ever took him seriously.

He made sure that they didn't.

No one could know his fears.

Her eyes always seemed to know.

Her eyes always seemed to bore into his soul.

Every time he tried to hide it, they always somehow found the truth.

He didn't like what her eyes did to him.

He wasn't supposed to feel this way.

Becoming a Ninja was a suicide wish just waiting to come true.

There was no time for love.

There was no worth for the pain that it would cause him to leave.

There was no worth for the pain that it would cause others when it was his time to go.

The life he had wasn't worth anything. 

It was the reason why he became a Ninja in the first place.

She looks at him, and he suddenly feels like he has a purpose.

He isn't supposed to have a purpose.

Did she know what she was doing to him? 

She was making him question everything that he knew.

She had no idea of the effect that she seemed to have on him.

Why did she have to show up like a figment of his worst imagination?

Why did he have to care?

This was a test.

He failed every time he glanced into the warmth of her eyes.

How many times could he retake it?

He was in so deep, and he knew it, no matter how much he tried to deny it.

He was drowning in the depth of her eyes.

He supposes that he wouldn't have it any other way.

Those eyes would probably be the thing that he thought about in his last moments.

It comforted him in a way that it probably shouldn't.

The others know it too.

He notices the warning glances that they are sending him.

He is getting too close.

He is getting too close.

He is getting too close.

He can't find it in himself to care anymore. 

It was becoming too tiring to hide away.

There was no way to stop them from becoming closer.

It scared him.

It terrified him.

It made him feel exhilarated.

He was falling in love.

Perhaps he already was in love.

Why try to deny it?

Why try to deny the way that his heart sped up when she walked in a room?

Why try to deny that she was the only person that he cared about what was thought of him?

His life was already going to be so short.

What was the point in trying to not live the time that he was blessed with?

There was nothing to lose or gain.

He wanted to spend time with those eyes. 

Those eyes that seemed to know him.

Those eyes that seemed to have figured him out in that exact moment in just one glance.

Those eyes that had light bouncing off of them wherever they looked.

They were a kaleidoscope of life, and he just knew that he wanted to spend every second of life left that he had with them.

He wanted to know her before he died.

He wanted to know her likes and dislikes.

He wanted to know what she was scared of.

What he could do to protect her.

He would die for those eyes.

He knew that he would.

It would be worth it.

They were his own comfort in life.

It was the best way to die, to die in the arms of someone that you love.

She would be safe, and whatever happened to him didn't matter because she would be safe.

He didn't care that those were going to be the last thing he ever saw.

Those kaleidoscope eyes.

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