Sweet Nothing

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*Have I been listening to Taylor Swift's Midnights on and off on repeat since it has come out? Yes, yes I have been. Don't judge me :)*

 She could remember the first time she suited up to become Samurai X. 

It was a hard feeling to forget, especially when you feel the armor that you have spent months working on finally grace contact with your skin. But it wasn't just that feeling. It was the feelings of the adrenaline thrumming in and out of your heart. It was the wind playing with her hair while she flew. It was the way that her fist crashed against the invisible force of the wind. 

And well... It was the thought that she was finally an equal with those who were the unordinary.

But well, then she became one of the unordinary. 

But she wasn't alone like the others were when they slowly discovered their powers. Jay often helped her, even when they were originally broken up. And Kai loved to coddle her, even when she no longer needed it.

It made her feel guilty in a way. 

But well, Jay told her not to, and she made it her mission to at least listen to what he was telling her. And Jay never lied to her when it came to what he felt like she could do. Not that he ever believed that she couldn't do something that she put her mind to.

Gosh, her boyfriend was a lovable dork.

But sometimes, she couldn't escape, even when she was out of danger. 

And it was on those days that she found herself sitting at her desk with a pencil in hand as she looked at the paper in front of her. It was those days that she found that the words would just pour out of her mind and onto the paper in a feverish rage.

Sometimes it was the Social Media or the News Outlets, but most of the time, it was her own mind.

Jay told her that she got lost in there sometimes. When too much happened all at once. He told her it was her mind protecting her from the reality of the harsh world outside. And when she asked how he could possibly know that, he just looked at her and smiled softly.

But she could tell from the look in his eyes that he knew because he had dealt with it too. In the past. Perhaps it was still something he was dealing with. But those thoughts of investigating would leave the minute he wrapped his arms around her waist and pull her close.

He knew all of her weak spots when he didn't want to talk about something.

And she hated that.

She hated that she loved the way that he was able to get her to shut up, but she hated that he stopped her from checking in on him.

"How are you able to do all of this?" Nya asked him one night, looking up towards the ceiling.

"Do what?" He asked, turning his head towards her.

"Just... Everything." Nya muttered at last, looking at him from the corner of her eye.

"I guess.... It's because I have you. And... I don't know. Just knowing that you are going to support me and keep me safe and vice versa and that we have a future together... It's enough. I don't need anything or anyone else. Not when I have someone as amazing as you." Jay finally said at last, reaching his hand out to hers and squeezing it.

And Nya smiled before suddenly turning to him and softly pressing her lips to his.

"What was that for?" Jay asked, breathless.

"Nothing. I just... Your amazing, you realize that, right?" Nya asked.

"Oh... Thank you." Jay squeaked, blushing hard and rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I know." 

Nya froze before suddenly grabbing a pillow and beating him with it.

"You do NOT get to Star Wars me!" She yelled, continuing to beat him.

"I'm sorry." Jay said, laughing while he blocked her attacks poorly.

"No, you aren't." Nya muttered, pouting and turning away.

It was silent for a moment before Jay shifted and leaned over to place his lips on her neck. 

"I love you too." Jay whispered against her skin.

"I know." 

And Jay couldn't help the laugh that escaped from his lips, nuzzling her neck the entire time before closing his eyes.

"Did you mean it?" She asked when he was almost asleep.

"Mean what?" He muttered.

"What you said." She clarified.

"Every word." He whispered, kissing her head before closing his eyes.

And she knew that he meant it.

A smile never left her face for the rest of the night.

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