The Greatest Love Stories

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Short Jaya Oneshot requested by a bunch of different people I'm not going to mention.

They say that all of the greatest love stories end in tragedy. The greatest ones are the ones where they somehow die or are separated or can't be together for whatever reason. Nya never believed that was the case.

After all, throughout all of her life she was struck with tragedy. She always believed that she had some sort of bad luck that followed her. Her parents were never around and she was always bullied. She never had the childhood that she wished that she had. Of course, she had Kai, and yet she always longed for most. Yes, Nya Smith had the worst luck. Yet, the bad luck went away the minute that she met Jay Walker. 

It was weird, really. She couldn't really stand him when they first met. He was always so loud and expressive, which was basically everything she wasn't. That all changed when she actually got to know him. They had a lot in common when she actually got to understand him.

They both loved to invent and were both pretty smart. They both were very determined people who actually thought a lot alike and they both fought very hard for their loved ones. They both had the same views on how problems should be dealt with like 95% of the time, and they both cooked decently compared to Cole.

It wasn't just the things that they had in common that Nya noticed. She also became aware of who he was and a side that no one else had really seen. Jay laughed at his own jokes, and Nya realized that jokes were the way that he dealt with anxiety. He talked really loud because he was terrified of silence. He didn't like to be lonely, something that Jay explained was because he was very alone for all of his childhood. Jay was also more scared for his loved ones than himself, and was sometimes so emotional that he didn't know how to deal with what he was feeling. He tried to include everyone and ignored what the others said about him, even if it really did hurt when they said something particularly rude like she knew that they did. Yes, Jay was a very fascinating person.

Soon enough, Nya found herself laughing at his jokes, even if they weren't very funny. She felt herself wanting to be wherever he was. She wanted to do chores with him and hangout with him, even if they weren't doing anything particularly fun. She found herself trying to find ways to make him laugh and trying to cheer him up when one of the others were particularly rude. 

Then came along their first date. Jay Walker had once again found a way to surprise her when she thought that she had finally figured him out. He wanted to impress her! She didn't understand why someone as great as him wanted to impress someone like her, but there he was when he revealed he lied to her. It wasn't just that though. He was fighting for her just like how he fought for his parents when they were turned to snakes. He loved her, and Nya realized in that moment that she loved him too.

Day after day and night after night she and Jay were almost always together. They never had kept a secret from each other before, and Nya never wanted to. She loved the nights where she could just cuddle up with him on the couch with Netflix and be in their own little bubble. Nights like those made Nya fight for the following day where she could get through whatever as long as he was there. 

How could she betray him like this? She should have told him about the perfect match. For someone who didn't like to keep secrets, she certainly did a pretty good job of it. She tried to redeem herself that the reason why she didn't tell him was because of what was happening in front of her right now. Watching the 2 boys roll around the ground and shouting the insults at each other, Nya justified that this had to have been why.

She shouldn't have been surprised when Jay stopped communicating after that. The heartbroken look on his face when he found out was forever going to be etched into her brain. He shouldn't have found out like that. She should have told him when she first found out. She should have realized that it must have been the Overlord's doing to separate the 2 of them.

Jay didn't joke for a long time after that. He wasn't the same man that he once was, and it hurt Nya's heart to know that she was the cause for that. It hurt to know that she was the cause of Jay not trusting anyone anymore. It hurt that she was the cause of all of the pain and silence that was left in the team.

She watched as Jay shoved Zane over to Wu as Zane was shouting for Jay to stop. Jay jumped up as the lightning left his hands, the Overlord's grasp on him through his armor tightening around him. She felt her body run towards them, only to be held back by Kai and dragged to the sewer where they were being evacuated to. Her shouts for him to stop were being drowned out by his own shouts of pain. 

Through all of this, the final time she saw him, he smiled at her and nodded. He knew what was going to happen and he smiled. He smiled in the face of death, and Nya realized that she didn't want him to die. She shouldn't have listened to that goddamn machine, and now he was paying the price for her own stupidity.  

Nya believed that as long as you were a good person, good things would go your way. She thought that the good things would always come your way as long as you kept your head up and tried to make sure that you were doing the right thing. What did she do wrong?

She knew the answer to that question as she approached Jay's grave with a sad smile on her face. She didn't listen to what her heart was saying, and now they were apart. It would only be for a little while, but the same message echo through the cracks in her failed and only relationship that she would ever have in her life. 

The greatest loves stories always end in tragedy, even her own.

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